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Ben Wilson

Four Ways To Sit To Help Your Posture

Four Ways To Sit To Help Your Posture

We spend most of our days sitting down so wouldn't it be great if we could find a way to improve posture while doing it. Surprisingly, it is not as hard as you think. There are four stretches that you can do which you would barely notice while sitting at a desk and...

Fasting 101

Fasting 101

Every other week someone seems to comes up with a new fasting approach, so much so, that even just not eating has become complicated. I did a video covering pretty much all you need to know about fasting. The sum up is below or you can watch the video on Tik...

Another Interesting Study

Another Interesting Study

There was an array of articles last month about some new research coming out from Sweden about the effects of obesity and health which painted a more serious picture than previously thought. The Swedish research team tracked 4 million people over 40 years and found...

Four Home Workouts To Follow

Four Home Workouts To Follow

A couple of weeks ago I spoke about some of the things that annoyed me in fitness. To counter that little bit of negativity I give you a few exercise videos you can follow along with at home.  For a long time I have spoken about the four types of fitness and how you...

A Fitness Mindset To Adopt

A Fitness Mindset To Adopt

Many people talk about mindset within fitness but what do they actually mean by it.  My book really delved into the many aspects that fall under the term mindset, it is wide ranging and includes your beliefs, ingrained habits, emotions towards food and movement as...

Things That Annoy Me In Fitness

Things That Annoy Me In Fitness

I'm in a ranting mood so thought I'd write about the things annoy me in fitness. Before I get into it, understand that any movement is better than nothing, so everything below is still better than not doing anything as you are moving, but despite that, the following...

Re-Mastering Hunger – What You Are MISSING

Re-Mastering Hunger – What You Are MISSING

A few weeks ago we talked about mastering hunger and the six hunger types that cause you to eat. There are other elements to consider in addition to this that can create real and substantial change. I write this after just completing two 36 hour fasts over the last...

Olympic Runner Steve Scullion’s ‘Failure’

Olympic Runner Steve Scullion’s ‘Failure’

The Irish Olympic runner Steve Scullion, who has a built a big following during his training for the Paris Olympics, put out a highly emotional and interesting video about his failure in the London marathon and the ending of his dreams to go the Olympics again. I have...

My Second Hyrox Race & Should You Do One Too?

My Second Hyrox Race & Should You Do One Too?

Last weekend, I did my second Hyrox event after a solid five months of preparation. You may remember my first Hyrox event back in November was messed up by injury so I had barely trained for preceeding two months.    The Hyrox is a multi-fitness event, where you run 8...

My personal training service combines nutrition, exercise, postural correction and behaviour change techniques to ensure you get fantastic results. Download my Body Transformation Guide to understand how these techniques are all brought together to ensure results.
The best way to understand how I help people get into amazing shape is to contact me for your Free sample session. Call Ben on 07915 397 703 or email me at info@one2onenutrition.co.uk
Watch me being interviewed on the BBC 1 Breakfast show discussing milk and the plans to stop milk for under 5 years old’s.