Exercise, periodization and sports training articles
This section contains many articles on exercise, periodization and sports training.
The articles come from previous issues of my weekly newsletter. I would advise you to subscribe to this as it will give you simple information that can help you use exercise to lose weight or achieve your goals.
Exercise overviews
I classify exercise as being made up from four ain type of activities. These are aerobic training, resistance training, core training and flexibility training. Let me detail these for you in this article.
Read about how to do exercise in an article that is to the point.
The Fitness Profile Test – Defining and measuring fitness.
Read about the fitness profile measurement system. A comprehensive exercise testing system that allows you to compare every aspect of fitness and form a complete impression of the body. Read the article to understand how and why this is needed and the different aspects of fitness.
Measuring exercise and performance.
Learn how to measure and keep track of the results you are getting from your fitness programme.
Effective exercise for healthy weight loss in your own home.
Fantastic ways to exercise to lose weight within the comfort of your home
Effective exercise for healthy weight loss using a gym.
Fantastic ways to exercise to lose weight within a gym.
Ten common errors in the gym part one
Read the five most common exercise mistakes made by almost everyone.
Ten common errors in the gym part two
Read the next five most common mistakes and learn how to avoid them
Complete these easy to do Fitness Tests
Exercise Fundamentals – Part 1 – The 6 types of Exercise
Learn about the fundamentals of exercise. Do you do the 6 types?
Exercise Fundamentals – Part 2 – The 6 types and Your Goals
Learn about the fundamentals of exercise. Do you do the 6 types in a way to achieve your goals?
Exercise Fundamentals – Part 3 – Which types are you doing currently?
Learn about the fundamentals of exercise. Which types are you doing?
Periodization – The key to exercise success.
Read about the basic theory of periodization. This is an important exercise safely and a must read for any keen exerciser.
Are you exercising but not getting fitter?
So many people exercise but do not actually get fitter each week. Read about how you can avoid this situation.
Aerobic training
Begin to understand the importance of rating how hard the exercise feels and why you must get it at the right levels for long term success.
Read my popular article and follow the plan to learn how to run in just a few weeks
Follow this plan for a short and sharp jogging session.
Aerobic Training Interval basics – Video
Follow this video to understand the basics of aerobic training.
Aerobic Training Interval basics part 2 – Video
Follow this video to understand more basics techniques of aerobic training.
Flexibility training
Follow along with this active stretching video.
Active stretching is a very powerful technique that prepares you for the day and/or exercise session ahead.
The more traditional form of stretching is vital for adopting perfect posture and preventing injuries.
Take this simple test and follow the interpretation given. A failure to complete this test will provide limitations in both general life and for more advanced training concepts.
Resistance training
In this article I outline the major principles of resistance training and how it can really benefit you.
How to develop muscle and muscle tone
Let me outline the best way to build muscles and develop muscle tone.
The different Types of Resistance Training – Part 1
Understand the different ways resistance training can be performed and the unique benefits each type brings.
The different Types of Resistance Training – Part 2
Understand more of the different ways resistance training can be performed, the unique benefits they bring and how they can fit together within a training programme.
Resistance Training combination session
Follow this plan to combine many of the different types of resistance training into a single session.
Read about the squat exercise, it’s benefits and how to perform this for general health, weight loss and increased strength.
Read about the lunge exercise, it’s benefits and how to perform this for general health, weight loss and increased strength.
Understand the deadlift technique with this video.
See me demonstrate the 360′ Lunge. A real powerhouse of an exercise for fat loss and increasing fitness.
Follow this video to do this simple yet effective home workout which develops the legs while working the body.
Core training
The core – Flatten your stomach, stop back pain and increase strength
Let me details what the core is and how it can be trained to reduce pain, increase strength and flatten your stomach.
Follow this programme to awaken the deep core muscles.
The core – How to flatten your stomach and end back pain
Let me details what the core is and how it can be trained to reduce pain, increase strength and flatten your stomach.
Watch me take you through how to contract the core muscles.
Watch me take you through some exercises to wake up and reactivate the core musculature.
Other topics
Learn how exercise strategies can prevent falling in the vast majority of people.
Do not let your mind beat you when it come stop exercise. Instead use these techniques to control you mind.
All you need to know about the main two sports supplements – Protein shakes and creatine.
Do you breathe correctly? Most people do not. Learn how to do it and why you should.
Join one of my free exercise groups here in London. Come join me on the Athletics track or the touch rugby field.
This article discuses all aspect of Rugby fitness training. i am author of the book Rugby fitness training: A twelve month conditioning programme. For more information on this visit my other web site Rugby fitness training .com
The best way to understand how I help people get into amazing shape is to contact me for your Free sample session. Call Ben on 07915 397 703 or email me at info@one2onenutrition.co.uk
Watch me being interviewed on the BBC 1 Breakfast show discussing milk and the plans to stop milk for under 5 years old’s.