Last week I wrote about the key things you need to do to achieve your fitness goals for the year ahead. I covered topics like changing your body shape, adding muscle, and resolving injuries, among other aims.


The first step I would recommend in pursuit of your goals is to gather some sort of simple data as you begin. Most people avoid taking baseline information because they fear the numbers or worry it will add pressure. I understand this perspective, but in truth, the lack of data will almost certainly increase the likelihood of failing to make progress.

The main data I would suggest gathering depends on your specific goal:

Changing Body Shape – No single method is perfect; all have their flaws. For example, weight can fluctuate due to factors like water retention, carbs eaten, or digestion. The most reliable method for me is to use a specific item of clothing that you would like to get into, simply try it on and then use it as a benchmark going forwards. You should then pair this with one or more of the following: body weight, body fat percentage, how you feel about your appearance in the mirror, progress photos, or even feedback from others. 
Every measurement method for charting body shape has its faults which make it inaccurate, so by having a few measures you can get round the inaccuracy issue of any one method and have a consistent way to track changes over time. 
For the mental side of changing your body you can use my body transformation skills analysis here>>>. This looks at your current skills, knowledge and natural behaviour patterns then compares it to how difficult your goal body is to achieve. From this you can work out what you need to add into your programme to greatly increase your chances of long term results. 

Gaining Muscle – Measuring muscle growth can be tricky because it is a slow process, even when everything is done right. Use weight and body fat percentage as a guide and check your progress in the mirror. Strength gains can act as a proxy for muscle growth—if you’re lifting heavier over the months, your muscle mass is likely increasing. While progress photos can help, muscle changes are often too subtle to be seen unless taken under ideal lighting and conditions, such as after a good workout pump with a light above your head.

Getting Healthy – Most people rely only on how they feel to assess their health, which can be subjective and inconsistent. If you want a more measurable approach, complete the health traits form here>>>. This provides a numerical score that you can compare in a few months once your health program has had time to take effect. You can also take medical based tests through your doctor, e.g. blood pressure, bmi, blood glucose etc. In combination these two will clearly show the improvements from making changes in your current routine. Health changes occur over months which means most people forget how they actually felt previously as it was such a long time ago, the numbers therefore help with this process

Resolving Injuries – Pain often stems from misaligned joints or inefficient movement patterns. A simple way to track improvement is to perform a baseline movement assessment at the start of your journey. Reassess periodically to measure progress, such as reduced pain levels or better movement quality as your body realigns. This could involve an overhead squat, a general pain rating, or even evaluating how you feel after a 3km run.

Improving Fitness – Establishing baseline data specific to your chosen sport or activity is crucial. Whether you’re focusing on running, lifting, or another pursuit, measure your current performance to create a clear starting point. Common metrics include a 5km run time, a 2000m rowing test, or an FTP cycling assessment. However, you can track any relevant data, such as how long it takes to cycle through your town, walk up a nearby hill or the 1 km test. Strength is easily measured by recording how many reps you can perform for a specific exercise. 

What Does This Mean For You

Taking baseline measurements allows you to track your progress objectively, which is key for staying motivated and making adjustments along the way. Without data, you’re essentially guessing, which can lead to frustration and a lack of results. Starting with a clear understanding of where you are makes it much easier to see where you’re going and how far you’ve come. 

Section 2 of my book goes into detail about setting up these systems and understanding the principles behind effective goal tracking. When you focus on what really matters—and avoid wasting energy on unnecessary distractions—you significantly increase your chances of success.

Video – How to take measurements covering body photos to circumferences


Need Support Getting In Shape?

Changing your body on your own without support or an effective system usually ends in failure sadly. To avoid this outcome you can become one of my coaching clients either online or in person. I provide Holistic, Healthy & Sustainable Body Transformations. Contact me to discuss your goals further or see below for more details and the options available to you based on your location / preferences:

Worldwide (Online) – For transformations, coaching and support wherever you are in the world read more here>>>>

London (Battersea) – If looking for Personal Training Battersea please contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or Personal Training Battersea Park. To see my locations please visit my Battersea Personal Trainer page>> 

London (Oval / Kennington) – For Personal Training in Oval & Kennington please  contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or parks.


Read My Book – The Grand Unified Theory of Weight Loss – My latest book is available in print, kindle/ebook and audio formats. You can read more about it and see where it is available here>>> 

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