Food Satiety Index
Satiety is the feeling of fullness after eating. It is a complex process that is influenced by a number of factors, including the type of food, the amount of food, and the individual’s metabolism.
The food satiety index is a measure of how filling a particular food is. It is based on a study in which participants were asked to eat a variety of foods and then rate their feelings of fullness over time. It has been built upon by the use of data from My fitness Pal and other calorie counting apps, this is extensively covered in this article by Optimising Nutrition.
The food satiety index is a nice tool for people who are trying to lose weight or manage their body composition. If you choose foods that are high in satiety, you will eat less overall. In general, foods are more satisfying when they contain more:
–Protein – This is one of the most satiating nutrients. It helps to slow down the emptying of the stomach, which can help you feel fuller longer.
–Fibre – Another nutrient that can help you feel fuller for longer. It helps to slow down digestion and absorb water, which can make you feel more full. Good sources of fibre include fruits, vegetables as I discussed previously>>.
–Water / Food volume – The higher the water content and bulk of the food (lower energy density) the more if helps to fill you up.
–Fat – In appropriate amount and when not combined to highly palatable carbs or sugar based foods it will increase satiation.
–Complex carbs – These carbohydrates are digested more slowly than simple ones, which can help you feel fuller longer.
–Nutrient Density – The more vitamins & minerals within a food is linked to more satisfaction and lower overall food intake during the day.
Some common food scores include (source>>) –
Most Filling Least Filling
Potatoes, boiled 323 Ice cream 96
Fish 225 Crisps 91
Porridge/Oatmeal 209 Yogurt 88
Oranges 202 Peanuts 84
Apples 197 Mars candy bar 70
Brown pasta 188 Doughnuts 68
Beef 176 Cake 65
Baked beans 168 Croissant 47
You may feel cake or other foods on this list fill you up but it is important to remember it is based on equal food intake, having 700 calories of cake in a few mouthfuls is not a fair comparison to a 200 calorie bowl of porridge.
Photo – A photo from some of the original research on food satiety scores –
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