All articles section

This section contains all the articles from the various sections of the website. 

Key information

Listen to me on LBC radio discussing metabolic typing, EFT and exercise – Download the Pod cast

I appeared on London broadcast radio for a 45 minutes phone in. Listen to me discuss metabolic typing , exercise and Emotional freedom technique (EFT).

Metabolic typing.

Read a basic overview of metabolic typing theory

Emotional freedom technique (EFT).

Read about this powerful method and follow a link to watch an introductory video EFT.

Four areas of exercise.

I classify exercise as being made up from four ain type of activities. These are aerobic training, resistance training, core training and flexibility training. Let me detail these for you in this article.

Periodization – The key to exercise success.

Read about the basic theory of periodization. This is an important exercise safely and a must read for any keen exerciser.

Every diet explained!

In this article I outline the pros and cons of almost every major diet out there. Read this to understand why you see such contradiction in the advice given and which ones can be respected and which cannot.

Metabolic typing

Metabolic typing.


Metabolic typing.

Read a basic overview of metabolic typing theory

Metabolic typing video

Watch me as I discuss the basic principles of metabolic typing in this five minute video. Download the full pod cast directly to your Ipod or computer for free if you want to watch the full 30 minute discussion.

Hair tissue mineral analysis and metabolic typing.

Read about how using a hair analysis reveals what is happening within your body at tissue level and what this means for achieving results.

Metabolic typing and food rotation.

In this article I outline how to ensure you have a certain level of variety within your diet. This is important as the body does not respond too well to eating the same food day in day out. In the article I explain a 2 day rotation system which will ensure you supply your body with a good mixture of nutrients.

An example of a metabolic typing diet plan.

Discover what a metabolic typing diet plan looks like and why this is so important for your success

The metabolic typing test

Look at some of the examples questions from the actual metabolic typing analysis. These questions are used to determine your exact nutritional needs.

An example Metabolic typing report

Read through an example metabolic typing report to understand what you receive back from the metabolic typing test

What is a metabolic type?

This article explains what is meant by the definition a metabolic type and what it means for you.

Metabolic typing and your ideal fuel mix

Discover how metabolic typing is related to the amount of protein, carbs and fat you should eat at each meal.

Metabolic typing history and evolution.

Read about how the science of metabolic typing evolved and progressed over the last 80 years.

The Principles and approach of Metabolic typing.

Read a message form William Wolcott about the principles of how Metabolic Typing approaches health and getting results.

The scientific basis of metabolic typing

A look at the underlying scientific theory of metabolic typing.

Metabolic typing – Article published on PT on the net.

Read my article on metabolic typing written for personal training on the net, the leading education facility for personal trainers the world over. This is a little scientific but good for the committed learner.

EFT and the mind

Beliefs and mind analysis.

Learn more about the indepth beliefs analysis I use with my clients to identify weak areas and blocks in their mind set. Learn how the mind works in relation to achieving your health and fitness goals.

Emotional freedom technique (EFT).

Read about this powerful method and follow a link to watch an introductory video EFT.

Emotional freedom technique (EFT) tapping demonstration.

Watch me guide you through a few round of EFT in this short video. Use this exact sequence to resolve negative emotions. This video is even more effective if you follow along and apply it to a real emotion you feel currently.

Uses of Emotional freedom technique (EFT).

Read how EFT can be applied to a whole host of issues from weight loss to sports performance and physical pain to phobias.

Emotional freedom technique (EFT) for weight loss – An article for personal trainers and working with their clients.

This article was written for PT on the net, the leading information web site for personal trainers all over the world. In the article I detail the mind, EFT and some strategies for working with clients to achieve results.

Fake thin people.

LSome people are what I describe as a Fake thin person. There are five types of fake thin people, read the article to discover each type and to understand about how they affcet you.

False pleasure versus true pleasure and emotional eating.

Learn to identify the discrete differences between a false pleasure and a true pelasure and how this can be the key in breaking emotional eating patterns.

Goals questionnaire – Download the form and listen to me discuss it

Define your goals and begin to discover the underlying motivation behind your goals.

Emotional freedom technique influences questionnaire

What possible influences could be preventing you achieving your goals. answer these questions to identify what blocks may need to be removed using EFT.

Law of attraction

The law of attraction os a great theory which states what we think will become our reality. Use this simple exercise to increase your thoughts to attract good things rather than bad things.

Psychological reversal – The block to achieving your goal.

Learn about this phenomenon which will halt you in your tracks when it comes to achieving your goals.

The psychology of exercise.

Do not let your mind beat you when it come stop exercise. Instead use these techniques to control you mind.

Volunteers wanted for my new mind change programme.

I am looking for people to help me test my new book and mind change programme on the differences between how people in amazing shape think compared to those in poor shape.

Exercise, periodization and sports training

Four areas of exercise.

I classify exercise as being made up from four ain type of activities. These are aerobic training, resistance training, core training and flexibility training. Let me detail these for you in this article.

Exercise in a nutshell

Read about how to do exercise in an article that is to the point.

The Fitness Profile Test – Defining and measuring fitness.

Read about the fitness profile measurement system. A comprehensive exercise testing system that allows you to compare every aspect of fitness and form a complete impression of the body. Read the article to understand how and why this is needed and the different aspects of fitness.

Measuring exercise and performance.

Learn how to measure and keep track of the results you are getting from your fitness programme.

Effective exercise for healthy weight loss in your own home.

Fantastic ways to exercise to lose weight within the comfort of your home

Effective exercise for healthy weight loss using a gym.

Fantastic ways to exercise to lose weight within a gym.

Ten common errors in the gym part one

Read the five most common exercise mistakes made by almost everyone.

Ten common errors in the gym part two

Read the next five most common mistakes and learn how to avoid them

Simple Fitness Tests

Complete these easy to do Fitness Tests

Exercise Fundamentals – Part 1 – The 6 types of Exercise

Learn about the fundamentals of exercise. Do you do the 6 types?

Exercise Fundamentals – Part 2 – The 6 types and Your Goals

Learn about the fundamentals of exercise. Do you do the 6 types in a way to achieve your goals?

Exercise Fundamentals – Part 3 – Which types are you doing currently?

Learn about the fundamentals of exercise. Which types are you doing?


Periodization – The key to exercise success.

Read about the basic theory of periodization. This is an important exercise safely and a must read for any keen exerciser.

Are you exercising but not getting fitter?

So many people exercise but do not actually get fitter each week. Read about how you can avoid this situation.

Aerobic training

Aerobic training.

Begin to understand the importance of rating how hard the exercise feels and why you must get it at the right levels for long term success.

Learning to run

Read my popular article and follow the plan to learn how to run in just a few weeks

Aerobic training session

Follow this plan for a short and sharp jogging session.

Aerobic Training Interval basics – Video

Follow this video to understand the basics of aerobic training.

Aerobic Training Interval basics part 2 – Video

Follow this video to understand more basics techniques of aerobic training.

Flexibility training

Active Stretching Video

Follow along with this active stretching video.

Active stretching programme

Active stretching is a very powerful technique that prepares you for the day and/or exercise session ahead.

Static stretching

The more traditional form of stretching is vital for adopting perfect posture and preventing injuries.

Overhead Squat Test

Take this simple test and follow the interpretation given. A failure to complete this test will provide limitations in both general life and for more advanced training concepts.

Resistance training

Resistance training basics

In this article I outline the major principles of resistance training and how it can really benefit you.

How to develop muscle and muscle tone

Let me outline the best way to build muscles and develop muscle tone.

The different Types of Resistance Training – Part 1

Understand the different ways resistance training can be performed and the unique benefits each type brings.

The different Types of Resistance Training – Part 2

Understand more of the different ways resistance training can be performed, the unique benefits they bring and how they can fit together within a training programme.

Resistance Training combination session

Follow this plan to combine many of the different types of resistance training into a single session.


Read about the squat exercise, it’s benefits and how to perform this for general health, weight loss and increased strength.


Read about the lunge exercise, it’s benefits and how to perform this for general health, weight loss and increased strength.

Core training

The core – Flatten your stomach, stop back pain and increase strength

Let me details what the core is and how it can be trained to reduce pain, increase strength and flatten your stomach.

Core activation programme

Follow this programme to awaken the deep core muscles.

The core – How to flatten your stomach and end back pain

Let me details what the core is and how it can be trained to reduce pain, increase strength and flatten your stomach.

Core contraction video

Watch me take you through how to contract the core muscles.

Core activation routine video

Watch me take you through some exercises to wake up and reactivate the core musculature.

Other topics

Preventing falls

Learn how exercise strategies can prevent falling in the vast majority of people.

The psychology of exercise.

Do not let your mind beat you when it come stop exercise. Instead use these techniques to control you mind.

Sports supplements

All you need to know about the main two sports supplements – Protein shakes and creatine.

Breathing technique

Do you breathe correctly? Most people do not. Learn how to do it and why you should.

Free exercise groups London

Join one of my free exercise groups here in London. Come join me on the Athletics track or the touch rugby field.

Rugby fitness training

This article discuses all aspect of Rugby fitness training. i am author of the book Rugby fitness training: A twelve month conditioning programme. For more information on this visit my other web site Rugby fitness training .com


Milk – How it affects your body fat

Following on from my appearance on the BBC 1 Breakfast show where I gave the pro’s and con’s to milk. Read my personal views on how it affects your body fat.

Calories – Calorie counting and weight loss myths

This article was written after weight wacthers decided to drop their points system. It discusses calories and the model of alorie cuttign for weight loss.

The six types of hunger – Which ones affect you?

Most people think that hunger is hunger. On closer examination you will find that there are six types of hunger. It is very important for you to be aware which ones are affecting you because you will need to behave differently depending what is happening within the body. Read the article to find out more.

Blood Sugar testing

This simple measurement tool allows you to identify if you are letting an internal stressor such a low blood sugar affect your health. The article also discusses high blood sugar and diabetes and how blood sugar in general affects results.

Five “healthy” foods that make you fat

Many of the foods we view as healthy actually make you fat. This is the reason almost 7 in 10 people are overweight. Take a look at some of the most troublesome foods that are probably within your diet.

Food sensitivities type 1- 4 and the MRT Test

Food sensitivities spell disaster within the body. Type 4 sensitivities are both subtle and difficult to identify. Read the article for an overview of the main types of adverse food reactions within the body and to learn about how the MRT test aids identification of these.

Adrenal Stress Indicator test.

Stress causes havoc within the body. Stress comes from either an external source e.g. emotions, or from internal pathways, e.g. low blood sugar, parasites, food sensitivities. This combined stress causes havoc within the body

One way it does this is by fatiguing the adrenal glands from over stimulus. Take the adrenal stress indicator test to see how fatigued your body is at the moment.

Hair tissue mineral analysis.

Read about how using a hair analysis reveals what is happening within your body at tissue level and what this means for achieving results.

Adrenal fatigue and hormone profile test.

Learn about how adrenal fatigue and the steroid hormone pathway may hold the answer for why you cannot lose body fat. the article discusses how you can test both functions and the implications this may hold for your body

Metabolic assessment and liver function test.

Learn about how your liver can be tested to see if it is overloaded and also the other elements of digestive and oxidative stress that can be tested for in the metabolic assessment profile.

Gut function and mucosal barrier test.

Learn about how the importance of your digestive tract and how to support it. the article discusses the mucosal barrier test which gives you an insight into current guy health.

Food rotation.

In this article I outline how to ensure you have a certain level of variety within your diet. This is important as the body does not respond too well to eating the same food day in day out. In the article I explain a 2 day rotation system which will ensure you supply your body with a good mixture of nutrients.

Better and worse approach to nutrition.

In this article I outline the Better or worse attitude you should adopt if you want to enjoy achieving your health and fitness goals. this liberating approach is a must read for anyone who wants to achieve a health goal without feeling restricted.

Every diet explained!

In this article I outline the pros and cons of almost every major diet out there. Read this to understand why you see such contradiction in the advice given and which ones can be respected and which cannot.

Food intolerances

Eating foods your body is sensitive towards can cause havoc and prevent you achieving your goals. Read about this issue and how you can takes steps to preventing this becoming a block to your success.


Fats is the most mis understood area of nutrition. Read about the why conventional wisdom is far from the only view on fat.

How many good meals a week do you need for results.

How many meal must you get right every week to get results? The article discusses why it is more likely to be your breakfast rather than that meal out on a saturday that stops you getting results.

Signs that your nutritional needs have changed

Your nutritional needs can change and this must be accounted for if you want results. Read about how you can spot this.

Hunger – How to control it and why you need to.

What you should do if you suffer from being hungry much of the time.

I am never hungry – what this means for you and your health

what to do if you never really find yourself hungry.

Your body shape and it’s implications on weight loss

Learn about how your body shape has implications on how to attempt to lose weight.

Fat storage patterns and the effect on weight loss.

Where you store your fat has implications on your food cravings and how you should approach losing fat.

Sports supplements

All you need to know about the main two sports supplements – Protein shakes and creatine.


Learn about the whole issue of supplements and how they affect your body and what you should and shouldn’t be taking.

What is healthy food?

What is the definition of healthy food. You may be surprised to learn about how there is no such thing as a health food in its own right.

Food quality

Learn about the different issues affecting food quality.

Other topics

Preventing falls

Learn how exercise strategies can prevent falling in the vast majority of people.

The psychology of exercise.

Do not let your mind beat you when it come stop exercise. Instead use these techniques to control you mind.

Sports supplements

All you need to know about the main two sports supplements – Protein shakes and creatine.

Breathing technique

Do you breathe correctly? Most people do not. Learn how to do it and why you should.

Rugby fitness training

This article discuses all aspect of Rugby fitness training. i am author of the book Rugby fitness training: A twelve month conditioning programme. For more information on this visit my other web site Rugby fitness training .com

Weight loss and approaches to health

50 reasons you are not in shape – A weight loss approach

Read about the numerous causal factors involved in losing fat. It is not a simple game of calories in versus calories out, it is much more complex than that. Use this document to begin identifying and resolving the true reasons why you are not in the shape you want to be.

Sunlight -Why traditional advice leaves your body deficient in Vitamin D

The sun and vitamin D has a large influence upon your health. Read the article to find out why conventional advice leaves your body deficient in Vitamin D and why this can cause havoc within your body.

Weight loss approach

How you should you attempt to lose weight, what strategies and areas should you cover. Read this article to find out.

Better and worse approach to nutrition.

In this article I outline the Better or worse attitude you should adopt if you want to enjoy achieving your health and fitness goals. this liberating approach is a must read for anyone who wants to achieve a health goal without feeling restricted

The clever and stupid ways to lose weight

Read about some of the better and worse ways to try and drop those pounds.

The clever and stupid ways to increase weight

Read about the most prudent ways to gain weight and which techniques will cause you more harm than good

My blue print for success as new coach of the Swedish national team

I have taken a role as the assistant coach to the Swedish national rugby team and director of fitness for the union. I have outlined my blue print for taking them from 38th in the world to the next rugby world cup.

New year resolution key considerations

What to consider when making your new years resolutions

What to ask yourself before your next weight loss plan?

What questions must you consider before your next attempt at losing weight?

Five immediate health measures to shape up

Follow these five simple habits to change your health today.

Keys to success

Read the crucial elements of success needed in any weight loss or health improvement plan.

Sleep yourself thin and healthy

Learn about how sleep and weight loss are related.

The failures of the One size fits all diet

Read about why no one diet works for any one person.

The world is getting bigger!

Why is the world getting bigger around the waist. Let me detail to you the main reasons and what can be done to prevent this.

How do you approach your health?

What approach do you use in optimizing your health

15 ways to avoid overeating this Christmas

Use these simple technique to avoid going crazy on the food this Christmas.

Low cost but high value gifts.

Read these simple gifts you can buy this Christmas which are easy on the wallet but high in value.

3 High Health Values That Make You Fat

Read about three “health values” which when raised within your body will make you fat and decrease your overall level of health.

3 Low Health Values That Make You Fat

Read about three “health values” which when are found to be low within your body will make you fat and decrease your overall level of health.

3 Behaviours doing less of That Will Make You Fat

Read about three behaviours which doing less of will help you get into shape and be in great health. These may not be the ones you expect to see.

3 Behaviours doing more of That Will Make You Fat

Read about three behaviours which doing more of will make you fat and decrease your overall level of health. These may not be the obvious ones you think.

Calories revisited-What is the missing link?

Read more about my experiments with calorie counting and the calories model.

Specific health complaints


I used these technique to banish my 20 year asthma problem to a thing of the past. Let me detail how I did it and how maybe these techniques could help improve your asthma too.


Learn about diabetes is greatly affected by your lifestyle. Discover how you can really help your body using these simple easy to do techniques.

Preventing knee, back and joint pain

most people have aches and pains, some serious some minor. almost all of these can be improved by using these tried and trusted techniques.

Preventing falls

Falling in later life doe snot need t be something we all accept as inevitable. these techniques can prevent falls regardless of age and save you from some nasty injuries.

How do you approach your health?

What approach do you use in optimizing your health.

Testing methods

The metabolic typing test

Look at some of the sample questions from the actual metabolic typing analysis. These questions are used to determine your exact nutritional needs.

The problems with the weighing scales

Look at some of the main problems of using the weighing scales to chart progress.

Alternatives to using the weighing scales

Look at some of the other methods you can use other than the weighing scales to chart progress.

Beliefs and mind analysis.

Learn more about the in depth beliefs analysis I use with my clients to identify weak areas and blocks in their mind set. Learn how the mind works in relation to achieving your health and fitness goals.

The Fitness Profile Test – Defining and measuring fitness.

Read about the fitness profile measurement system. This is a comprehensive exercise testing system that allows you to compare every aspect of fitness and form a complete impression of the body. Read the article to understand how and why this is needed and the different aspects of fitness.

Hair tissue mineral analysis.

Read about how using a hair analysis reveals what is happening within your body at tissue level and what this means for achieving results.

Adrenal fatigue and hormone profile test.

Learn about how adrenal fatigue and the steroid hormone pathway may hold the answer for why you cannot lose body fat. The article discusses how you can test both functions and the implications this may hold for your body

Metabolic assessment and liver function test.

Learn about how your liver can be tested to see if it is overloaded and also the other elements of digestive and oxidative stress that can be tested for in the metabolic assessment profile.

Gut function and mucosal barrier test.

Learn about how the importance of your digestive tract and how to support it. The article discusses the mucosal barrier test which gives you an insight into current gut health.

Blood Sugar testing

This simple measurement tool allows you to identify if you are letting an internal stressor such a low blood sugar affect your health. The article also discusses high blood sugar and diabetes and how blood sugar in general affects results.

Food sensitivities type 1- 4 and the MRT Test

Food sensitivities spell disaster within the body. Type 4 sensitivities are both subtle and difficult to identify. Read the article for an overview of the main types of adverse food reactions within the body and to learn about how the MRT test aids identification of these.

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My personal training service combines nutrition, exercise, postural correction and behaviour change techniques to ensure you get fantastic results. Download my Body Transformation Guide to understand how these techniques are all brought together to ensure results.
The best way to understand how I help people get into amazing shape is to contact me for your Free sample session. Call Ben on 07915 397 703 or email me at
Watch me being interviewed on the BBC 1 Breakfast show discussing milk and the plans to stop milk for under 5 years old’s.