AI Podcasted Me

This week stumbled upon Google Notebook Lm which is an AI tool that will make a podcast out of your book or notes on any topic. So, I uploaded my book and it created a very convincingly real podcast which you can listen to below: In the fictional discussion between...

Why I Never Took Steroids

I’ve competed in a range of sports: 400m running, rugby, bodybuilding, samba, and now Hyrox. In all of these, taking steroids would have offered a significant performance boost. This day and age taking PED’s (performance enhancing drugs) is very common, it...

An Underused Tool in Nutrition

Today I was having one of my core conversations with a fairly new client. It was about taste, which is one of the most overlooked elements of any nutrition plan. In an effort to eat “clean” or measure food intake people think they can bypass the importance of...

The Optimal Nutrition Plan

Last week I wrote about the optimal exercise programme and outlined what that would look like. It was fairly unsustainable for the average person and I gave you a couple of more realistic options for how to handle it. This got me thinking about what is the optimal...

The Optimal Exercise Programme

I was in Dubai last week amongst roaring 40c+ temperatures where I went on perhaps my hottest run ever which I had to stop for fear of collapsing. While I was there I watched a couple of videos on the ideal exercise mix.    For a long time, I have criticised the most...