Swimming is not an exercise method I discuss too often as I do not enjoy it personally, partly due to my horrendous technique. However it is still a powerful exercise methodology, like all forms of exercise it has pros and cons to it.

The Positives About Swimming –

  • It is a total body work out. Swimming will hit muscles that other aerobic exercise forms have difficulty targeting.
  • It can be done when injured. If you are hurt you can often do swimming while other exercise forms are banned. 
  • You can get super fit. There is no denying a good swimming workout is up there with running or cycling for effective cardio fitness
  • You can burn a lot of calories. You can easily swim for a long time and you can handle higher volumes compared to a weight bearing activity such as running.
  • It is fun. Many people love being in the water.
  • It can save your life. I have lost count of how many Brazilians I met while living out there who couldn’t swim. It is an essential life skill in my opinion.

The Negatives About Swimming –

  • You need to go to a pool to do it. This means you have to have the available facilities to do it which normally costs money to use.
  • It takes up time logistically. Many people spend as much time getting to the pool, changing and then showering afterwards as they do swimming.
  • Hard to get out of breath. People with a bad technique often have trouble pushing their fitness as they end up swallowing water etc.
  • Not Weight Bearing – While an advantage in some respects it also does not prepare you that well for weight bearing fitness activities. Real life is all weight bearing from running for a bus to chasing the kids around in the park.
  • Not a huge calorie burn – With so much time lost logistically in combination to a poor swimming technique/speed then the actual calorie burn for 1-2 hour event of “swimming” is much less than would be expected or in comparison to other exercise forms.


When it comes to looking at different exercises and sports you should always look at the worst case scenario or outcome. Which is you at home eating biscuits or similar.  Therefore anything above that is a huge win. If you love swimming / live close to a pool then it has the potential to be part of the mix to get you in shape. If you are not a huge fan / don’t live close to a pool then there is not any real benefits to purposely choosing this form of exercise compared to another. Results always come from setting your food intake level to match your current activity level.


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Battersea park was created in 1858. Battersea Park is considered one of London’s most interesting Parks housing Battersea ZooBattersea Evolution Exhibition Centre and of course Battersea Park Dogs & Cats Home.


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