Previously I have discussed Swimming and Walking. Here we look at Jogging

The Positives about Jogging –

  • Accessibility -You can jog almost anywhere in the world for zero cost.
  • High Calorie burn Per Hour– Jogging has a very good calorie burn per hour and steps per minute. This means you can get a lot done in a short amount of time.
  • Easily Measurable – With Garmins, fitness apps, wrist pedometers and so forth you can easily measure your distance, speed and elevation covered.
  • Good for functional fitness – For me improving your running fitness has the biggest cross over into general life fitness such as walking up hills, climbing the stairs or running after the kids.
  • Good competition structure – Running is huge so you can easily find places to compete, fun runs to do, clubs to join or forums to discuss your goals. This is great for a support network.
  • It Penalises Heavier People – If you get into running then one of the fastest ways to improve your times is to lose body fat, which is most peoples primary goal. Every KG you lose you will physically feel each time you go for a run. So it naturally promotes body fat losses.

The negatives about Jogging –

  • It has a limited amount of volume – Jogging has a limited amount you can do based on fitness or injury. This puts a total limit on energy expenditure possible when exercising.
  • It is hard work – For many people, especially beginners they find jogging such hard work they rarely find themselves in a mood to be motivated to run.
  • People Overestimate the Benefits – While running is great there is no magic in the movement. Runners often feel they have used up far more energy than they have in reality. The combination of hard work and feeling out of breath means people who have run for 20 minutes feel they have done hours of effort. Sadly for most running is simply 2 x the same time spent walking. e.g. 20 min run = 40 minute walk.
  • Injuries – People with bad backs, leg pains or feet issues can greatly exacerbate their troubles, especially if you use a large volume of movement.
  • Weather – If all your runs are outside then your are subject to mother nature. This can be a good or a bad thing depending where you live. Many people find indoor running boring.


I love jogging as a sport. For fat loss it can be a powerful tool but it can also be many people’s downfall. The inclination to greatly overestimate movement benefits at the expense of focusing on food all too often ruins progress. That said, if part of a bigger plan it can be a great method to change your body.


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Hyde park was created in 1536. Hyde Park is London’s second biggest inner city Royal park behind Regents Park. 

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