blocks to success?
often say we want to achieve a goal yet so often this vision never
realizes itself. This is so often seen in weight loss when people
go on attempt after attempt.
cycle is somewhat caused by the pure lucky dip that the main stream
diets you choose will work for you. However I know with my clients
who follow the metabolic typing analysis and recommended nutritional
plan that even when they have the perfect road map for success they
often do not or cannot maintain it despite it being very easy to
this happens I know there are underlying emotional issues that need
to be resolved. For this I use Emotional freedom technique (EFT).
To use EFT it is vital to identify some issues that may underlie
your goal.
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and answer these questions and see if they identify any possible
blocks to your goal. Feel free to email
me your answers if you would like to discuss
this further.
What goal / issue are you looking to achieve?
Why do you want to achieve this? (Try
get down to the underlying emotion you want to experience, you may
need to think about it)
What was happening in your life during the time this issue
started to affect you? (Were you beginning
a new job, left school, traveling, moved house etc).
What would you be focusing on if you didn't spend time
worrying on this issue?
What is the downside of achieving your goals?
What is YOUR theory about why you have not yet resolved
this dilemma, or achieved your goal?
conscious mind often says we want to achieve something yet the subconscious
may well feel different. This is very common place and is not a
personality defect but more the natural outcome of the many different
influences and emotions we all store. Hopefully these questions
begin to identify some issues that may surround your goal.
you find you cannot think of any issues then do not worry, there
are further more advanced technique that can be used if you feel
you must discover them to achieve your long term goal.
aspect of your health, the emotional and mental perspectives is
integral to my courses. For more details on them please visit the
course section of the web site.