typing rotation principles
type you may be or whatever diet
you are following it is important you rotate your foods so as
to maximize the benefits of nutrition upon your health and fitness
goals. The two day food rotation principle simply states “In
any one week you should go two days without any one food or type
of food.”
rotate your foods?
creatures of habit we love to get into a routine and eat the same
meals day in day out. Whenever we eat the same food day in day out
we greatly increase the chances of that food
becoming sensitive to our body.
A classic
example of an intolerance through over consumption is wheat. This
now affects the majority of the population simply because most people
have wheat for breakfast in their cereal, lunch in their sandwiches
and pasta for dinner. This overabundance within the diet makes wheat
probably number one food on the sensitivty list.
from increasing the likely hood of food sensitivities sticking to
the same foods may deprive your body of nutrients contained in other
foods that are right for your metabolic type. Ensuring a rotation
in the diet will force you to obtain a selection of nutrients from
different sources which will benefit your body.
is also easy for emotional connections to food to develop. The way
to iron this out is by using Emotional
Freedom Technique (EFT). However, through rotating your food
and following the two day rotation principle you can stop emotional
connections developing to specific foods.
two days in any one week without a specific food is almost like
doing a mini detox each week. This detox effect is highly beneficial
and allows the body to cleanse itself regularly which will in turn
accelerate you towards your goals.
do I rotate my foods?
stated above the two day rotation principle aims to eliminate any
one type of food or food group for two days out of any one week.
These two days can be back to back or they can be spread out over
different days of the week. You can choose to cut out a number of
food groups over a two day period or instead cut out different foods
over the course of a week. For example, you could cut out dairy,
grains and fruit on Monday and Tuesday , or cut out dairy on Monday
and Tuesday, then grains Wednesday and Thursday and finally fruit
on Friday and Saturday.
Try to cut out
all foods within each of the following groups at the same time for
two days in any seven:
Try to cut out
any specific food from the groups below over any seven day period
e.g. cut out carrots or broccoli for 2 days in one week by replacing
with other vegetables.
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