I have discussed previously how you do not need to believe in results to achieve them. The body simply is a biochemical machine which though influenced by thought it is still primarily at the hands of physical laws. One of these is that through moving more than you eat for a consistent period of time you will lose body fat. Though there are some edits to this theory it basically stands up. Therefore you do not need to believe in success to lose weight if you do the necessary movement and moderated eating.

An equally big area around belief is that of whether you believe you can do the individual tasks to create the desired effect. Many people do not believe they can stick to their food today, or can do the movement or exercise needed. I feel here belief is a negative influence on getting things done. The need to believe something will happen puts off many from trying. The problem comes in that it is action that creates motivation and momentum not belief. So when you sit around in a morning wondering if you can stick to your food that day this takes you no closer to the desired results. Whether you believe or not believe you can do the task is not important as the result for any given day is action.

The counter thought to belief in the outcome is action and experimentation. So instead of thinking “Will I be able to not eat badly today?”… “Will I survive the party without drinking tonight?” and then sitting around for some force of belief to strike you. It is more prudent to simply start doing the tasks and see what happens by the end of that day or so forth. So start with the normal breakfast you have planned, ask for the first drink to be non alcoholic at the party and then see how things go from there. What usually happens is the majority of times you end up doing the goal action after you start. In some cases you will not and that is no drama as balance produces results over having to be “good” in any one moment.

To make this whole process easier you can reduce your period of evaluating success down to the smallest unit. Weekly evaluations leave a big opening for failure, demotivating yourself and then quitting. Daily or micro daily evaluations keep you in the moment much more and promote action over belief based thinking.

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Battersea park was created in 1858. Battersea Park is considered one of London’s most interesting Parks housing Battersea ZooBattersea Evolution Exhibition Centre and of course Battersea Park Dogs & Cats Home.

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