With 2016 in full swing the research says most people have quit their health and fitness resolution already. Whether this is you or not it is important to know that for anyone making strides this New Year there are two main things you need to know. The first is – (written article continues below video)
From what I have seen in recent years the single biggest thing that stops people committing to their goals is deep down they think it is impossible to achieve so why bother. While they may think it is possibly in theory in reality they feel it could never happen to them so only go in half-hearted or soon give up at the first sign of trouble.
The reality is nothing is stopping you from achieving your goal….you can achieve not only the body you want, but one more spectacular than you dreamed possible. It is nothing physical stopping you getting into shape but more behavioural. However, anyone can change their behaviour patterns over time with the right focused effort. While you may not believe this element is possible I suggest you look to the real world for examples. There will be plenty of other people who have turned their body around in exactly the same situation that you are in. Go out and find these stories and examples, many people already know someone personally who has done it. Ask yourself what would I need to think/know/feel or believe to make that same change?
The second is –
When that wave of motivation comes the first thing people do is pick up a new exercise routine or download a diet and start taking action straight away. While this is great in one sense, action will create results. For the longer term picture it may not be so wise. For long term changes to happen you have to change the person you are to some extent in regards to your behaviours. People who make and maintain long term changes they usually have also changed who they are as a person.
So instead of thinking how do I do dry January? Ask more what would I need to think/know/believe or feel to be comfortable not drinking every weekend / night?
Instead of doing a 30 day ab exercise challenge ask more what would I need to think/know/believe or feel to enjoy doing exercise for the fun of it?
Instead of cutting carbs ask more what would I need to think/know/believe or feel to want to eat a healthy diet and to be able to eat junk foods in moderation?
While the process of changing who you are is much slower than picking up a plan of action. The results of changing yourself last a lifetime while the results of a plan of action last merely the time you manage to follow it. The most effective way to change behaviour is through behaviour experiments, anything that forces you to behave differently and undergo a new experience creates a window of opportunity to grow. Within this window you can change your relationship to any given situation and thus over time who you are. This will therefore change your results going forward.
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