Most people struggle to get themselves going to exercise for one session let alone consistent enough to follow a training plan for any length of time. There is a way around this bleak picture and I call it the first rule of exercise motivation.
I use this personally all the time to great effect, last year I did 379 exercise sessions. Which averages 1 a day, but considering I took 92 rest days I actually average about 1.4 sessions a day when training. This year I have stepped it up even more. I can only think of a few times where I missed a session, while some of this is to do with the behaviour conditioning I put myself through most of it was down the first rule of exercise motivation
The first rule is – ” Do something!…ANYTHING! ….(Start Small!)”
From first reading you probably think that just means shut up and do it, that is not what I mean.
The first rule means you should take the tiniest of steps to get yourself going, this could be you just do your active stretching warm up, it could mean you pack your gym bag (even though you are not going), perhaps you decide to just drive to the gym (with the intention of leaving a minute after arriving), it could mean you forget your training plan and just do your 3 favourite exercises, maybe you cancel going to the class and just jump on the bike for an easy session.
Action Creates Motivation….
When you take the smallest step you generate a little more motivation, then the next tiny step creates a bit more and before you know it you have hit your minimum level for action. In general id say 7-8 out of 10 times when demotivated you become motivated from taking action. The other 2-3 times I would not worry about it too much. I personally just push through and do what I can because next time it wont be the same.
There is also a cumulative effect where the fitter you get the more quickly this process spirals and motivation is created more and more easily. It is like driving a car. If you only turn the engine on once every few weeks don’t be surprised it takes some time to get going. When the engine is already warm from regular driving then it jumps to life in a flash.
It is a fallacy that you need to feel motivated to exercise, you need to be motivated to do punishing hard exercise sessions, but no one said you needed to do that. This is where having a training plan can actually demotivate you. The thought of going a certain intensity will stop you applying the first rule of motivation and you will never get there to do it. The same problem can apply to classes, where the minimum time or intensity puts you off taking that small step.
The next time you are demotivated just take the tiniest step, then the next and before you know it you will be on your way and getting things done.
This process to create motivation is also applicable to every other area of your life…..action breeds motivation….
February 19th (3/7 days measured)
The twice a day gym sessions are having a great effect. I went to Wales for the weekend though which meant I took 2 and half days off with some poor nutrition. But right back on it come Monday so things are all on track.
Diet – Protein – 260g, Carbs – 363g, fat – 90g, calories – 3302, P:32 % C :44% F: 25%
Exercise – 8 Weights sessions and 2 off days
Weight – Not taken (72.5kg last time) Body fat – Not taken (40 average mm* last time)
Supplements – Protein shake (max 40g per day) and glycine through gelatine (20-30g), creatine (20g-30g) and BCAA (8-10g)
*This is my own 10 point self measurement system, it does not correlate to body fat scores. At a guess 40mm – 8%, 50mm – 9.5%, 60mm – 11%, 70mm – 12.5%. I do not take it everyday if looking to gain muscle or maintain as it puts me off wanting to eat more. If on fat loss phase I take it daily. Like any body fat measurement system, as you get to low body fat levels the number become less accurate or reliable.
Chelsea – For Personal Training Chelsea please contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or parks for Chelsea Personal Training