Perfection is a goal that causes more failed body transformations than any other. Being perfect is very difficult to impossible to achieve while the goal of simply getting results is not that hard in comparison.

The belief that you need to be perfect to achieve results is a complete fallacy. You should focus on hitting your behaviour thresholds, the percentage of behaviours that must be in place over a weekly period to make progress. Your aim is simply to hit this threshold then maintain it for long enough to achieve your goals.



Very often people confuse the battle of getting in shape with a personal achievement for overcoming bad habits and addictions. While these goals are all equally important the reality is the best time to truly focus on breaking ties to foods and behaviours is when you not in a period of fat loss. This is because the process of losing fat (ultimately consuming less food than your body needs) increases hunger, cravings and reduces energy and motivation. While these traits can be dramatically diminished by following the right plan compared to the wrong one the symptoms will be less to non existent when in a period of maintenance.

Therefore the quest for perfection is not helpful, it is better to aim for the minimum level of results and hit that day in/day out for long enough to achieve your goals. This may mean purposefully eating more on certain days, purposefully having some “banned” or “bad” foods rather than battling through and causing a huge binge etc.



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London – For Personal Training London please  contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or parks across London. Ben Wilson –  London Personal Trainer

London is the Capital city of the UK. London has over 8 million inhabitants. London is frequently the most visited tourist city in the world.


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