One of the most effective ways to get your food on track is to start planning your meals. This should also account for buying your food, preparing your food and of course eating your food! Doing this will create focus and a plan of action about what to eat.
The very worst thing you can do food wise is to decide on the spot (when hungry in the supermarket) what you are going to eat….. I try to encourage my clients to think 3 meals ahead……which generally means you are thinking about the rest of the day and also into tomorrow…..
When you start thinking ahead you will begin to solve other issues, if your plan for evening dinner reveals you haven’t any of the required foods then you will now have an objective when you hit the supermarket. If the thought of your next meals is already putting you off then you know you must edit and add in some taste in one way or another.
The key to the 3 meal ahead rule
The key for making this work is like most health and fitness advice…Actually DO IT! But second to that is having this as a rolling rule….so at breakfast you are thinking lunch, dinner and breakfast the next day. At lunch you are thinking dinner, breakfast and also tomorrow’s lunch.
The reason this is important is that, if you are trying to get results you will most likely have to change some of the stuff you are eating , or if you are on track with getting results, you must remain focused so normal life does not leave you unprepared as you get busy with day to day tasks.
Do not make a big deal about this, it takes a few seconds to think about what to eat next……
What will I have in my next meal?
Do I have the food for this meal (how will I get it if not)?
How/when will I prepare it?
**********Repeat x 2 for meals after that*********
SIMPLE!……….Yet Effective!
July 24- July 30 (5/6 days measured)
I was dieting all week except for a re-feed day Sunday which I didn’t measure but was above 5000 calories in my estimation. I was then straight back on the fat stripping as I drop down each day to lifetime lows. This means I can see new veins each day and more muscle striations as it progresses.
Diet – Protein – 198g, Carbs – 250g, fat – 35g, calories – 2106, P:38 % C :47% F: 15%
Exercise – 5 Weights sessions, 1 fitness sessions 1 off day
Weight – 71.2Kg Body fat – 28mm* Activity – 33000 steps – 24.5 km / Day**
Supplements – Vitamin D , Multivitamin, ***
*This is my own 10 point self measurement system, it does not correlate to body fat scores. At a guess 40mm – 8%, 50mm – 9.5%, 60mm – 11%, 70mm – 12.5%. I do not take it everyday if looking to gain muscle or maintain as it puts me off wanting to eat more. If on fat loss phase I take it daily. Like any body fat measurement system, as you get to low body fat levels the number become less accurate or reliable.
**Measured using Fit Bit Flex wrist band. Add me as a friend – Ben on
*** Supplement not taken consistently
Clapham – For Personal Training Clapham please contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or Clapham Common Personal Training