I have been quiet on the blog front for a couple of weeks as I have been preparing for my winter break. For the last 3 years I have spent 3 months of the winter abroad in Brazil. Last time I did a straight 6 months over the whole winter but that was too long away for my liking. So this year I am spending 3 months away, which I could probably say already is maybe a touch too short. Either way, I will be back to London for early January. So because of this I was busy finishing up clients, moving things into storage and sorting out things and didn’t get chance to write.

I always wanted to be a professional athlete. In reality I wasn’t even close to in a ball park. One of the appeals of being a pro was the calender year they had. I loved the idea of the total focus on one objective yet in way that varied over the year. My main sport was American Football so February to June you were on your own training hard, then pre season camp and games July/August and then the real competition Sept – Dec / Jan. This really appealed to me so I thought how could I create that format without being a professional athlete.

It is hard to have a 4-6 month working season. But a 9 months working season with 3 months to reflect, grow, study , train and strengthen seems both plausible and beneficial. So here I am, leaving London for 3 months to focus on creating new systems, products to help people get results. To this I will do much studying to improve knowledge in all areas, training like a maniac to better my body and of course enjoying the time to reflect and infiltrate into Brazilian life.

Work wise I think it fits really well too. I was never comfortable with the personal trainer who would have clients so dependent on them that when they are not training with them the “S*** hit the fan” so to speak!

A 3 month break is a perfect test for my clients. I am super intrigued to see how they respond. If I have done my job right they will continue to go on to get even better results or at least break even if I had taken them to their goals already. If they regress then it is of course an avenue and invitation for searching under some more stones for the solution needed to unlock their full potential and create the body they want.

My goal with clients has always been to help them achieve their goals in a self sufficient way so they do not need me any longer. My focus more recently has been on how to speed this process up and how to reach the more “difficult” cases. These next few months I will be working hard on this area

October 1st (5/15 day measured)

I didn’t measure much food over the last two weeks and some of my eating was horrendous. This can be evidence by a gain of 3 units of body fat in two weeks and a September gain of 4.5 from my lowest. That is what 3 weekends away and changing countries does. Annoying yet a good learning experience.

The plus side is I look bigger now (4.5 units = about 1% = notably bigger muscle wise).

The negative is at 35mm I am packing a sensational 6 pack. At 39.5,mm, good but not quite so sensational. Exercise wise has been poor due to travel and a mess up with my gym membership in London.

But I am settled in Brazil with food and exercise so will quickly strip the fat away over this next week back to 35-36mm then look to maximise muscles gains for the remaining 10 weeks here.

Diet – Protein – 155g, Carbs – 280g, fat – 71g, calories – 2373 calories,   P: 26 % C : 47 %  F: 47%

This data is skewed because I only measured 5 days which were when I was at home with no influences so I purposely cut calories to counter the poorer eating of travel etc.

Exercise – 9 Weights session/ 5 Fitness

Weight – 71.0kg                            Body fat – 39.5mm*

Supplements – None


*This is my own 10 point self measurement system, it does not correlate to body fat scores. At a guess 40mm – 8%, 50mm – 9.5%, 60mm – 11%, 70mm – 12.5%. I do not take it everyday if looking to gain muscle or maintain as it puts me off wanting to eat more. If on fat loss phase I take it daily. Like any body fat measurement system, as you get to low body fat levels the number become less accurate or reliable.

Regents Park- For Personal Training London please  contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or parks across London. Ben Wilson –  London Personal Trainer

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