I was at the Total Fitness Extravaganza show on Sunday and saw some amazing competitors. Many of the competitors were great examples of how to achieve success despite some commonly given problems or excuses. Find below many examples of people who overcame blocks to get the results they wanted. Though may people below many may not have the shape you desire personally they serve as evidence of what can be achieved.


One of the competitors Sunday was Jacqueline Hooton, she is 51 years old and in amazing shape. Where most people seem to give up when they turn to 40 she is showing you it doesn’t have to be this way. Learn more about her here – http://www.jacquelinehooton.co.uk.


The lady on the right is 74 year old Ernestine Shepard. A natural body builder from the USA who had never been to a gym until she was 56 years old. Watch a video on her story here – http://necolebitchie.com/2011/01/morning-motivation-74-year-old-body-builder/

It is not just women who can overcome the age barrier. These two men are both in their 70’s. Sonny Bryant and Dr Jeffery Life.


Read more about them here –

http://chronicle.augusta.com/news/metro/2013-08-10/age-doesnt-define-70-year-old-bodybuilder and here –


Being a Parent

So many mothers and fathers see parenthood as the final nail in the coffin in their health and fitness dreams.

Both the ladies in the left hand photo I saw on stage Sunday had children.  The lady on the left gave birth less than 12 months ago and the other lady had 2 kids*. I would say of the 60 female competitors  at least 15 were parents. This doesn’t just apply to women also, check out Chris Lopez in the other picture. A father of 5!



If it is not our personal circumstance that can knock us off track then the weather can be the next obstacle we face. Check out the pictures below showing how some people keep going when the snow is on the floor or the sun is soaring above 30c



Many people cite time as their number 1 reason they cannot get exercise done. The truth though is you can always get up earlier if you really wanted to. I started my own 5am gym sessions after seeing this quote from an interview The Rock did for one of his new films.



Have you ever considered that absolutely NOTHING is stopping you from achieving your goals???

What IF you just went out and did what was needed for results???


London – For Personal Training London please  contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or parks across London. Ben Wilson –  London Personal Trainer

*There is a chance I have the wrong photo for the lady with a baby of 10 months old. Either way, she was on stage competing with a similar body shape

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