One of my favourite fitness tools is a wrist pedometer. It gives you vital data on how much movement you are doing in general life.

If you know how much you eat,  how much you move and how many fitness sessions you do. You will easily be able to see the reasons you are or are not getting results.

Wrist pedometers give you a simple way to gauge how much you move around in daily life. This is important because we all have stressful lives now yet stress, being busy and moving and three different things. You can easily be busy and stressed yet not actually move your body much at all. A wrist pedometer will show you the truth.

The video below is about me discussing the fit bit. Continue reading below for photos of what the wrist pedometer tells you.

There are various brands out there for monitoring, I use Fit Bit, as it was one of the cheapest yet has a very good website where I can see my stats but also see that of my clients. This allows me to check out what they are or are not doing between sessions. It also has many groups you can join so you can compare yourself to others,interact with them and this drives you on to a new level.

Some screen shots of what the fit Bit has to offer include –




You can buy a fit bit or similar device on Amazon or other on line retailers –

If you get one then be sure to add me as a friend – Ben on


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Holland Park – For Personal Training London please  contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or parks across London. Ben Wilson –  London Personal Trainer

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