The week kicked off in style with the sun being out and a good nutrition client to get the week going. This woman** is in a marathon in a couple of months and she is carrying excessive weight. Which is obviously more than a drag when running for 3-4 hours. I had to go through my usual discussion of how weight is an awful measure for short term progress. The more you link success to changes in the weighing scales the more you will struggle for results, to give you an idea, look at my weight these last four days –

Saturday 73.5

Sunday 74.4

Monday 73.5

Tuesday 74.8 (I am writing this blog post for monday on tuesday)

All measured 6am straight out of bed….yet look at my body fat readings and they are pretty much static through those days – 43mm and 42mm…making sense off weight alone is dangerous ground, there are better ways to measure progress.

This lady appeared to have things in place, eating not a massive amount of calories and doing alot of training yet fat was not moving. This is common place and often seen. The problem comes in believing that calories are the only thing going, but from my experience that 2300 calories can be very different based on how it is comprised, i call it heavy and light calories. This ladies foods were stacked with probably “heavy calories”.

Calorie studies have also shown that if one thing can be believed it is the person measuring is pretty inaccurate with their stats. Studies have shown it is common to count up to 500 calories under what you have actually eaten. There is also the tendency for people to only count calories when they are having a “good day”. This obviously skews data and conclusions that can be made form noting just one or two days worth of food and claiming that is all you have eaten these last three months! It is also difficult to predict how many calories your body needs vs your metabolism.

Like any nutrition client I have faith in  how she will turn it around. As I link the theory of food to the feeling of food (in their body) the nutrition sessions are so powerful it is unbelievable. This is of course because I do pre qualify people to do the service in the first place. The reality is most people are so far off being able to follow a plan of action then any formal nutrition scheme with measures, “rules” etc just adds stress and resentment to the person. But for those who are ready then a nutrition session literally is life changing!! All that effort in exercise becomes translated into fast and effective results.

On a personal fitness note, yesterday was chest day and i nailed out a good 22 sets on 4 different chest exercise finished off with some abdominal work of course. I have started a new phase so new rep scheme, 5 reps x 2, 10 reps x 2 , 15 reps x 2 for the different exercises. Felt good! I also put in a good 20 minutes working on my breathing using the butekyo method (spelt wrong but i will discuss more in future posts and correct the spelling then). Food wise yesterday was final day of re-carb loading so to speak. I felt strong again in the gym and that about puts a cap on the 3 weeks since i started the fat stripping phase i talked about the other day.

Monday –

Diet – Protein – 131g, Carbs – 380g, fat – 66g, calories – 2638, % P:  20  C : 58%  F: 23%

Exercise – Chest day 🙂 🙂 , plus abs….

Weight – 73.5, Body fat – Didnt take*

Supplements – None


* This is my own 10 point self measurement system, it does not correlate to body fat scores (At a guess 40mm – 7.5%, 50mm – 9.5%, 60mm – 11%, 70mm – 12%).

** All reference to people, their goals, their jobs are completely distorted from the actual person I am talking about…this keeps their privacy but they are real people and real stories.

N.B This Blog will have little checking for good grammar as one I despise grammar, it slows me down and secondly I am not expecting many to any people to read it so it is irrelevant anyhow.



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