The rain poured yesterday but I still did a couple of good sessions outside. In the UK we seem to have a disproportionate fear of rain , maybe too much coverage of the acid rain problems we have suffered. The thought of training outside is a nice idea but then “what if it rains?” Well, during the summer months, nothing happens if it rains. The trees will pretty much keep 90% of the water off you. Problem solved! In the winter in some locations you get wet. In others not so much. Either way it is just a bit of water.

For most clients the hour they spend outside with me is the only time that day they have actually been in the fresh air. We spend most our lives now going from house to transport to office and back. The field of earthing is growing in popularity because of this, the theory that people need to connect to the ground / mother nature through touching soils etc. It is easy now to go weeks without this happening. I am not really big into earthing but common sense would say it cannot do any harm to roll around in the mud every day or so.

Yesterday I spoke of consistency, the other side to this coin is persistence. They go hand in hand. It is impossible to motivate yourself everyday to exercise, it is simply not how it works. The key for getting exercise done is to understand you do not have to be motivated to do the exercise session. You do not have to want to exercise to allow yourself to exercise. This is what every athlete knows, you are kidding yourself if you think professional athletes want to train every session, yet they still put in the work. You are no different, there is no way you can be up for every sessions. So what do you do when unmotivated??? You act anyway, you do it anyway, you persist. This persistence is what builds consistency. It may be you change your plan of action on lower motivation days but you still act. Then a magical thing happens – about out 8 of 10 times you become motivated through the act of doing the exercise and end the session feeling great.

Persistence = Doing the tasks even when you do not want to do them

Persistence = Consistency

Yesterday I had to use persistence in all of its beauty. Unmotivated to nail out a back session I just started the session, continued on and before you know it I had nailed out a great hour of effort. I never wanted to do the session,I never really enjoyed the session but I did it and felt great afterwards.

Tuesday –

Today I really hit the diet spot on. My aim is for protein to be 200g, carbs 350g and fat 100g. I hit these numbers almost dead on today….:) 🙂

Diet – Protein – 222g, Carbs – 346g, fat – 101g, calories – 3181  , % P:  28  C : 44%  F: 29%

Exercise– Back and obliques – 30 sets+

Weight – 73.8, Body fat – 43.5mm*

Supplements – None


This is my own 10 point self measurement system, it does not correlate to body fat scores. At a guess 40mm – 7.5%, 50mm – 9.5%, 60mm – 11%, 70mm – 12.5%. I do not take it everyday if looking to gain muscle or maintain as it puts me off wanting to eat more. If on fat loss phase i take it daily.

** All reference to people, their goals, their jobs and when the events occurred are completely distorted from the actual person/event I am talking about…this keeps their privacy but they are based on real people with real stories.

Oval & Kennington – For Personal Training in Oval & Kennington please  contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or parks for Oval & Kennginton Personal Training

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