The weekend was action packed. I was up 545am to do a bit of work but didn’t actually achieve anything. 🙁 Well, at least I tried. Then I headed to the athletics track in Battersea. Unlike the previous session I managed to get loose. Some days, especially training 7-8am it is hard to get loose and to be able to reach maximal levels.

With the heavy amount of work I have been putting into my breathing exercise the body just felt great today. in the 400m I nailed out a 4 years high in training sessions, a 57.5. More importantly for me was just how it felt, it felt very comfortable/effortless (as much as a 400m can). I pumped excited to see how I race next week.

Most fitness enthusiasts do not understand the ps and owns of fitness performance. Where yesterday i ran an effortless 57.5, last week i dug out a challenging 59.6. The change in time and feeling of training is commonplace. This is is part of exercise, way too many people beat themselves up for having a bad day training, or comment how they have lost their fitness. Like body fat, fitness comes and goes slowly. It may appear change fast (like being bloated makes you look fat) but true fitness or body fat is a slow changer.

My mum was down for the weekend as we went to the London pet show. Easily the best day out of the year…if you like dogs, cats, birds and rodents….which I do!!









In he evening we headed brick lane. As I have spoken about elsewhere, I believe in practical nutrition. This means that not only can you get the results you want but you can also fit into normal society. So if I am in a restaurant I will eat whatever I want, zero limits what so ever. Likewise, when I am being “good” I will eat perfectly. This will give you both the results and the freedom you want. Most people never are 100% free and thus never can go 100% strict.

This of course refers to dieters and people trying to get in shape. Most people in the street are very good at giving themselves freedom to eat anything. This is why most people are out of shape. They are not even aware of the underlying basis of nutrition – To give the body what it needs to thrive. Therefore they select foods on a formulation of taste vs cost vs availability vs speed of eating. Leaving out the parameters of nutrients, benefits to the body and how it makes your body feel should.

Sunday was an off day training wise, we headed the New Covent Garden Sunday Market in Vauxhall/Battersea which is always a fun adventure then called in Battersea Dogs Home for an hour. So many dogs I wanted to take home along with the cats. I put my mum back on a train to Wales and then pottered around for the rest of the day.

Saturday and Sunday –

Diet – Protein – g, Carbs – g, fat – g, calories –   , % P:    C : %  F: % – Didn”t Measure Today

Exercise – Track – 400m 57.5, 150 18.6

Weight – Didnt Take (73.5kg last time), Body fat – Didnt take* (43mm last time)

Supplements – None




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