Just one client this morning early doors at 6.30am then back on the computer to continue the web updates and so forth. Not an overy eventful day to report. I smashed out a arms session with lower ab work in the afternoon before hitting the cinema and then watching rugby in the evening.

I finished the night off with 20 minutes of breathing exercise. These exercises are hard, forget everything you have been told about breathing the butekyo method is about earning to reduce how much air you use per minute (opposite of most breathing programmes). It means you spend 20 minutes n the edge of needing to gasp for air and during thise whole time you have created a change in CO2 density with over this period alters you set point for breathing. I have gone after this seriously just for a week now and can already see big change sin my control pause (time between breaths) and I feel much fitter too. Performance levels are up in just 7 days. I am pumped excited to continue these exercises.

Friday –

Diet – Protein – g, Carbs – g, fat – g, calories –   , % P:    C : %  F: % – Didn”t Measure Today

Exercise – arms and abs – ~30 sets

Weight – 73.5kg, Body fat – Didnt take* (43mm last time)

Supplements – None



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