Here are some video examples of body weight exercises you can do, starting easy and finishing hard. It is only a 5 minute segment from a hour long module on resistance training for a course on my website about Rugby Fitness Training. I wrote a book on Rugby Fitness for those that don’t know!
Use these exercises as a guide and motivation to do your own routine.
May 7 – May 12 (5/6 days measured)
A solid week of training, twice a day in the gym…hit 3100 calorie mark almost every day bang on. Bod is growing….all on track…just need to stay on course. Another week of muscle gaining before a fat stripping week.
Diet – Protein – 234g, Carbs – 306g, fat – 49g, calories – 2595, P:36 % C :47% F: 17%
Exercise – 7 Weights sessions, 0 fitness, 1 off days
Weight – 75.0 Body fat – 37mm* Activity Measure – 18.0 km / Day**
Supplements – Vitamin D , Multivitamin, creatine, BCAA’s ***
*This is my own 10 point self measurement system, it does not correlate to body fat scores. At a guess 40mm – 8%, 50mm – 9.5%, 60mm – 11%, 70mm – 12.5%. I do not take it everyday if looking to gain muscle or maintain as it puts me off wanting to eat more. If on fat loss phase I take it daily. Like any body fat measurement system, as you get to low body fat levels the number become less accurate or reliable.
**Measured using Fit Bit Flex wrist band. Add me as a friend – Ben on
*** Supplement not taken consistently
London – For Personal Training London please contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or parks across London. Ben Wilson – London Personal Trainer