With the sun shining and 20c plus weather clients now complain of it being too hot. You can’t keep British people happy, too cold, too wet and now too hot! Forget the weather, there is only one issue at hand, are you gonna get off your ass and make it happen or not. Come rain, shine or snow it is the same question and there is only one route to success.

Today I had a couple of contrasting results off clients. One lady was flying high, nailed the diet, moved the body and all was sailing well. She was most excited to tell me how great everything is going and so she should. An evening client then had the opposite story to tell. Reports of bad eating, drinking, no exercise was revealed behind a guilt laden voice akin to something more fitting of a high court confession.

What clients don’t understand in general is the emotional roller coaster of their results verses the emotional roller coaster I go through as a coach. While you may be riding the grade A roller coaster of Oblivion or the Corkscrew of Alton Towers I am coasting on the Caterpillar ride suited for 5-6 years olds.


When results are flying high I am thinking is this sustainable, is this a will power result, what will be the next stumbling blocks. When all has fallen apart ,I know tragic low periods of motivation are about as likely to last as ridiculous highs of motivation. The question is how can we change state and then what can you do to minimise damage in this zone.

I keep saying it, but people don’t listen. Mood goes up and down, motivation goes up and down. It is GUARANTEED to happen. Results are not about avoiding this.

Getting results IS NOT about creating some 24 hour motivated state”

Success comes from acting in all emotional states – high and low, motivated or unmotivated.

Periods of low motivation give me as much an opportunity to create long term results as seeing a continually motivated client every week. A period of binge eating can give more insight than a perfect week of eating. Insights create behaviour change and a truly changed behaviour pattern will get you those results you wanted, craved, chased and failed to get for all these years.

Saturday – Monday  

The start of the month being bathed in sun meant I wanted to throw in a body fat stripping phase as summer is here. A couple weights sessions and a killer day Sunday of a sprint session on the track workout followed by 2 hours of touch rugby in the sun…perfect!! Food wise I dropped it back to optimal fat loss levels. Though probably a little under the desired levels as bit too motivated.

Diet – Protein – 154g, Carbs – 274g, fat – 62g, calories – 2277  , % P:  23  C : 51%  F: 28%

Exercise – 74Weights sessions (2 weights – 1 track – 1 touch rugby)

Weight – 74.2kg average (3 Measures)  Body fat – Didn’t take – Last measure 42.5mm*

Supplements – None


*This is my own 10 point self measurement system, it does not correlate to body fat scores. At a guess 40mm – 7.5%, 50mm – 9.5%, 60mm – 11%, 70mm – 12.5%. I do not take it everyday if looking to gain muscle or maintain as it puts me off wanting to eat more. If on fat loss phase i take it daily.

** All reference to people, their goals, their jobs and even when i met them are completely distorted from the actual person/event I am talking about…this keeps their privacy but they are based on real people with real stories.

Clapham – For Personal Training Clapham please  contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or Clapham Common Personal Training

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