Question – How Do I Get Motivated?

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Many people spend a lot of time searching for their “Motivation”. The problem with this is there is a good chance you will not find it very quickly. Motivation is like a wave, it goes up then down and back up again only to drop once more. This is predictable and happens to everyone.  Sure the magnitude and rate changes between people but the point is in the upcoming year you can bet in toal there will be many weeks to months of feeling unmotivated.

Motivation has two important factors to consider –

1) The myth that you need to be motivated to act – This is a fallacy, to act you simply need to do it. If you look at any area you have been successful in life you will see that you still acted while unmotivated. Last time I checked you still have to go to work when you can’t be bothered. The kids must still be fed and entertained when you are tired and in a bad mood. Anything you have created in life of any value would have had significant periods of you acting when unmotivated.

2) How do you snap out of a low motivation period – While any goal requires you to act while unmotivated life and results sure do come quicker when you act from a place of motivation. So how do you get out of such a phase. The fastest and easiest way is to act as if you are motivated while allowing for your level of lowest acceptable action. If you can’t be bothered but do it anyway you will often find you become motivated quickly. If you cant be bothered to train in the gym, yet you go there anyway and decide to just stretch. You can bet that 8 out of 10 times you will do more than stretch and end up having a workout. For the vast majority of these sessions following your gym visit you will end feeling motivated by the end of the session (however “rubbish” the actual session was).

The key is to act in whatever way your motivation (or lack of) accepts as an ok thing to do. The same applies to your eating. There is a big gap between a perfect meals and a huge night out of drinking and eating everything under the sun. Find that lowest acceptable level and soon enough you will see that the motivation feeling comes back to you, faster than you would have thought.


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