Most people would love a flat stomach. There are various factors influencing whether or not you have a flat stomach, these include;

Body fat – The most influencing factor for most is of course the level of body fat you have, if you can grab it then it is fat. To lose body fat it comes back to the tried and tested formula of exercise vs food intake. This is the slowest factor affecting having a flat stomach. For many people they complain that they have lost most of their fat but jut want to get rid of their belly. This is usually because of the principle of first on – last off. Many people have the body type that they gain fat first on the stomach and then it is laid down elsewhere. The results is you have to take it from other areas before it takes that final bit. Many people have forgotten quite how small their body was when they had no stomach. As a result you may feel fine body fat wise except for that last bit on the stomach. The reality though is to get rid of it completely you have to lose further fat deposits elsewhere.

Bloating – One of the major reasons for rapid changes in stomach size is bloating. For many people this is a huge factor as many of the common foods within our diet can bloat our digestive tract. The result is that despite being the exact same body fat level your stomach can be much flatter or appear much larger. When you wake up in the morning you will often find bloating levels to be at their lowest for the day. This is why most people feel thinnest when first out of bed. To counter bloating issues you should look to remove for the large part of your diet the worst foods for your digestive system. These vary between individuals but often include wheat, gluten and dairy products. Chronic digestive issues can leave chronic bloating. The resolution of this can be a slower process.

Core Muscle Activation/ Strength – The lower stomach muscles will act by pulling your stomach in like a natural corset. For most people their deep stomach muscles are completely asleep. This means they are not pulling your stomach in and thus it is not as flat as it could be. If you are bloated then it automatically switches off these stomach muscles. Once awake the stronger you make your muscles the tighter your waistline will be. You can learn more about waking up the stomach muscles here and here>>

Posture – Your stomach area is also influenced by your posture. Simply through “standing taller” you will naturally tuck your stomach in. Posture is too ingrained to keep reminding yourself to stand tall so the only real solution is to create lasting changes through specific stretches and strengthening of the postural muscles.


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