Fitness training and personal training are two different elements that appear to be the same on the outside. scroll below the video for the article.

Fitness training is getting a workout done under the name of burning calories and/or getting fitter. This can be done alone, one on one with a personal trainer or under the guise of the many different types of exercise classes out there. The point of the class is to get a workout done and therefore burn some calories and/or get fitter.

Personal training is about ensuring you get results. This may or may not include fitness training. When it comes to getting results this means losing fat for most people, your results are determined by the fat loss formula

Fat Loss = Food consumed x Exercise x Movement in life

This is where personal training differs to fitness training. The aim of personal training is to have a coach inspire motivation within you as well as problem solve that equation above. This will determine the results you get. While Fitness Training maybe performed in a session to ensure the exercise component is covered the real success comes when the session with a trainer also improves your ability to regulate food intake, move more an exercise alone between sessions. Sometimes this can mean almost no exercise within a actual personal training session but if it unlocks your potential in the areas outside of the PT session then the real value and magic of personal training is unlocked.


Kensington – For Personal Training London please  contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or parks across London. Ben Wilson –  London Personal Trainer

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