I have discussed previously how a training plan for most people is going to give them zero benefits because they will not follow it for any length of time. For those who are consistent then they must have an effective plan. If they don’t they will spend years exercising without getting fitter. Surely not? That is impossible, you have to get fitter if you exercise I hear you say!……the short answer is NO! (I did it for 3 years myself so learnt the hard way).
The body works like this, do some exercise and it will respond by getting fitter, do more exercise (longer/faster/heavier/harder) it will respond again. Continue giving the body the same exercise stimulus then after the initial improvement it becomes accustomed to it and thereafter will stay the same level. The fitter you get the harder it is to get fitter. A first time exerciser will literally get fitter doing a 10 minute workout (yep…10 minutes total time doing everything). A Olympic level athlete may need 12 months to get just 0.25% fitter.
Your good fitness efforts keep you at your higher fitness levels, the fitness still makes you feel good and your burn energy doing it but it seems a real waste to me that for no extra effort or time or money you could get much better results. The longer you have done fitness the more intelligent your programme design must be.
Here are the two basic components for success –
How you do this is irrelevant. Download free ones off the net, get a fitness guy at the gym to do one for you, copy different friends plans. Key thing is your are following something and then changing it monthly.
To take it to the next level you need to –
- MEASURE Your Fitness
If people measured their own fitness every 1-2 months I would not need to write articles convincing you that your body gets bored with exercise and stops improving. You would see it obviously in your test data.
For me though, any effective fitness plan will comprise of the following –
- Regular Measurement Data
- Major focus on weaker areas
- A plan for when your are motivated AND when you cannot be bothered
- Routines covering major areas of exercise – aerobic, resistances, core and prehab techniques (massage/flexibility/muscle activation techniques) – See the 6 Areas of Exercise for more on this.
- The above areas targeted into plan to hit your main goals
- 3- 6 Month length of Plan
- Monthly to Weekly Variations
The regular measurement tells us if the plan is working. Through focusing on your weaker areas, the bits you do not like doing you will feel better and get the fastest results in the shortest period of time. By measuring these areas and seeing their improvements you will normally find you get strong motivation to do these previously disliked areas for fitness. Without the fitness data and monitoring you will continue to dislike them. Any realistic plan must account for being motivated and unmotivated or it will only serve you half of the time. The 6 major areas of exercise need to be followed by everyone yet targeted towards your main goals. A plan needs to be 3-6 months long as in reality nothing much will be achieved within one month and if you then just keep following that same plan it defies the whole point of having advanced training plans. As well as monthly changes in the plan weekly variations can also be employed to augment better results.
November 6th (5/9 days measured)
After training 46 times in October I took 3 well earned rest days. I am gaining muscle nicely. I will do a quick 5day body fat strip as due to living on a beach I want to be looking sharp In 6 weeks I will be back in London and I can focus on gaining muscle for a while without worrying so much on keeping quite so lean.
Diet – Protein – 164g, Carbs – 298g, fat – 50g, calories – 2190, P:29 % C :52% F: 19%
Exercise – 16 Weights session/ 0 Fitness / 1 Dance classes and 3 off days
Weight – 71.4kg Body fat – 39.5mm*
Supplements – None
*This is my own 10 point self measurement system, it does not correlate to body fat scores. At a guess 40mm – 8%, 50mm – 9.5%, 60mm – 11%, 70mm – 12.5%. I do not take it everyday if looking to gain muscle or maintain as it puts me off wanting to eat more. If on fat loss phase I take it daily. Like any body fat measurement system, as you get to low body fat levels the number become less accurate or reliable.
Chelsea – For Personal Training Chelsea please contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or parks for Chelsea Personal Training