Body fat loss is a controlled system. This means you can only lose a certain amount of fat in any given week.  This has implications for how to approach getting into shape (article continues below video…)

Most people approach fat loss like they can get all their results in a very short period of time. It is a hard core approach and the underlying thinking is that you can drop a lot of fat very quickly by being perfect. However, the body has different thoughts on this and has a system that controls the speed of fat loss. As you eat less, the body shuts down its metabolic processes and takes away your desire/energy to move. It also increases hunger and cravings so you want to eat more. Overall, it makes the process much harder to follow.

While it is hard to predict the maximal speed of fat loss it probably ranges between 1.5%-2% body fat per week (though this is littered with confounding factors / variables/ errors).

There is a direct relationship between maximum speed of fat loss and how hard it is to follow. For example –

Speed of fat loss (%Max)         Effort Level

0%                                                     Easy

25%                                                   Comfortable

50%                                                   Good Effort

75%                                                    Hard /Focused Effort

100%                                                 Brutal

When you accept that fat loss has a controlled speed of progress then you can see from the very beginning how long it will take for you to get to your goal. As a general rule people under estimate how much body fat they have and thus getting to their goals is a much longer process than they expected. What this means is at the very beginning you can see that it will take 8, 12, 26 weeks etc to get to your goals. This has huge implications for your plan of action. However good a plan may be, if you cannot stick to it for the needed duration to get to your ultimate goals you will never be successful.

This then links into the table above, if you are following a brutal plan (near maximum fat loss levels) and you need to stick to it for 12 weeks yet you want to quit after 3 days then your only option is to back off the plan to a more sustainable level. This may mean it takes 18 weeks over 12 weeks to get to your goal. While this may feel like cheating or quitting by taking this approach in reality it isnt a choice. The first option is guaranteed to end in failure, the second one gives you a chance.


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