The video below expand upon the acronym Get R.E.A.L. This is a quick process to go through before you even take your first step to getting in shape. If you cannot watch the video scroll down to read about it below.
Get R.E.A.L – Realisation – Evaluation – Awareness – Logical
Get R.E.A.L
Before you take even your first step to get in shape go through this process.
Realisation – At some point you will have to emotionally understand (not intellectually) that the reason you are where you are is because of what you did and the only way for your to change is for YOU to sort it out. This removes blame and excuses. Linked closely to this is the realisation that you can change. Until you understand this at some level, that change is possible even if you are into sure how. Then armed with this knowledge and understanding it is you who ha to get it sorted you are ready to move to the next step.
Evaluation – At this stage you need to get honest about where you are currently in terms of your body shape. Do not overemphasise your current shape and neither should you stop kidding yourself it isn’t that bad if is actually different in reality. You just need to see the current state of play for where it actually stands. From this can then ee where are you actually trying to get to? This should then allow you to be able to calculate a rough time it will take to get there. While for some this may be demotivating to begin with, the reality is this truth will allow you to become motivated towards the real problem/task that awaits.
Awareness – This is not the first time you have tried to get in shape! To make use of prior learnings. Ask yourself what worked for me in the past, what didn’t work and begin to take information from your experiences. Then attune to your current emotions, what are you prepared to do right now? what are you not prepared to do? This will give you some good information in regards to how to move things going forward. The final element is to check into how it fits with your current lifestyle, is it practical and fit within your desire?
Logical – The final element is maybe the most important of it all. Does your plan sound sane? For many when it comes to body transformations everything is emotionally charged and completely unstable. The result is that you can obviously see you will fail before you even get started. Getting in shape is a biochemical problem. The solution needs to be drawn of logic and understanding and not emotion or desperation.
London Nutritionist- For Nutritionist Consultations in London please contact me. I am available across London.
Ben Wilson – London Nutritionist