by admin | Oct 22, 2013 | daily blog, getting started, results
The video below expand upon the acronym Get R.E.A.L. This is a quick process to go through before you even take your first step to getting in shape. If you cannot watch the video scroll down to read about it below. Get R.E.A.L – Realisation – Evaluation...
by admin | Oct 16, 2013 | brazil, food grams, getting started, video blog
The video below discusses the acronym Get R.E.A.L. , which is a quick process to go through before you even take your first step to getting in shape. If you cannot watch the video scroll down to read more about it. Get R.E.A.L Before you take even your first step to...
by admin | Jun 20, 2013 | daily blog, exercise, food grams, getting started, nutritiionist, nutrition
It has been a few days since my last post as things are super hectic here with the pre summer wave hitting in late June. When and why someone would start a fitness drive (alone or calling me) is always an interesting question. What changes from one day to the next to...