by admin | Nov 25, 2014 | exercise, exercise motivation, results
Most people waste a lot of time in the gym which adds more resentment and less effectiveness to the results routine. Here are some time saving methods, for part 1 see here – Fill you rest periods – When weight training, instead of doing a set of a exercise and...
by admin | Nov 25, 2014 | exercise, exercise motivation, results
Most people waste a lot of time in the gym which adds more resentment and less effectiveness to their exercise routine. Here are some time saving methods – Change Quickly or come dressed – Most people judge the time it takes to exercise from time in the...
by admin | Aug 28, 2014 | consistency, exercise, exercise motivation
There seriously is no better feeling than nailing out a personal best…..while people kid themselves that a few drinks out or a that chocolate bar is a great feeling hitting a personal best in something is a feeling that will last for days to weeks and for big events...
by admin | Aug 22, 2014 | aerobic training, exercise, exercise motivation, fitness training
Many people struggle with aerobic exercise because it hurts too much or they are unable to perform at a set intensty they were aiming for, e.g. level 8, speed 10 km/h etc. This is using outside data to determine how you exercise. It is far more beneficial to use your...
by admin | Jul 14, 2014 | exercise motivation, motivation, obesity, tv
This week I was live on air on the London Live Breakfast Show. I was on three times during the show and I managed to record two of the three recordings. The recording goes a little mad at times but such is technology! Battersea – For Personal Training...
by admin | Jul 14, 2014 | exercise motivation
Most people struggle to get themselves going to exercise for one session let alone consistent enough to follow a training plan for any length of time. There is a way around this bleak picture and I call it the first rule of exercise motivation. I use this personally...