by admin | Aug 28, 2013 | breathing, consistency, daily blog, detox, exercise, fat loss, fitness test, weight loss
I was wasting time on you tube with a collection of the usual cat videos, training videos, lectures and comedy shows. I stumbled onto some classic comedy Sci-Fi – Red Dwarf. In one episode the hologram Rimmer changes body with the last remaining human –...
by admin | May 14, 2013 | breathing, consistency, fat loss, food grams, muscle gaining
An easy start to the week with just one client in the evening and the rest of the day finalising my plans going forwards, web overhaul, marketing plans and integration of my book, behaviour change methods with exercise and nutrition. It is slow-ish progress but then...
by admin | May 14, 2013 | breathing, daily blog, eating out, london tourism, track
The weekend was action packed. I was up 545am to do a bit of work but didn’t actually achieve anything. 🙁 Well, at least I tried. Then I headed to the athletics track in Battersea. Unlike the previous session I managed to get loose. Some days, especially...
by admin | May 11, 2013 | breathing, daily blog, weights
Just one client this morning early doors at 6.30am then back on the computer to continue the web updates and so forth. Not an overy eventful day to report. I smashed out a arms session with lower ab work in the afternoon before hitting the cinema and then watching...
by admin | May 7, 2013 | breathing, clients, daily blog, fat loss, food grams, nutritiionist, weights
The week kicked off in style with the sun being out and a good nutrition client to get the week going. This woman** is in a marathon in a couple of months and she is carrying excessive weight. Which is obviously more than a drag when running for 3-4 hours. I had to go...