by admin | Oct 16, 2013 | brazil, food grams, getting started, video blog
The video below discusses the acronym Get R.E.A.L. , which is a quick process to go through before you even take your first step to getting in shape. If you cannot watch the video scroll down to read more about it. Get R.E.A.L Before you take even your first step to...
by admin | Oct 8, 2013 | brazil, results, video blog
The video below is my first from Brazil. In it I discuss the concept of body change verses staying the same. If you cannot watch the video then read the article discussing it here>>> October 7th (1/1 day measured) Yesterday I did a fat stripping day which has taken me...
by admin | Oct 8, 2013 | brazil, consistency, daily blog, fat loss, food grams
I have fully settled into Brazil now after being here for a couple of weeks. My time here is a simple amalgamation of all the things I love to do and nothing of the things I am not so enthralled by. One of the interesting things about coming back here to Recife after...