When it comes to getting results you only need three things.
1) A Nutrition & Exercise plan for periods of high motivation
This is what every plan and routine you have received before is based upon. Join a gym – here is your new exercise plan. Start a diet – Eat this/ don’t eat that. It is the tool by which results are made. But it is designed under the assumption you are motivated to do it. This means when focused you follow it and if designed properly you get results.
2) A Nutrition & Exercise plan for periods of LOW motivation
As much as we may like to convince ourselves otherwise it is only a matter of time before we become de motivated and knocked off track. Work will get in the way, stressful situations arise and life takes hold of your health and fitness goals. At this point you should fall back on your plan of action for periods of high stress/low motivation. This involves a lot of “rule breaking” and compromises. The result of a good plan for low motivation is that you can get results in any emotional state. Worst case scenario you will break even or take a minor step backwards during low motivation periods (as opposed to massive steps backwards). Then when on track you will resume your progress forwards.
As most people do not have this low motivation plan for their eating and exercise they possess an all or nothing approach with the nothing winning through the majority of the time. With a new middle ground plan you will become greatly empowered.
3) A strategy to create more of the high motivation state than low motivation.
When you have an effective low motivation plan you should be able to make some progress during stressful times but the reality is your will make your greatest gains when focused and motivated. Therefore the ability to create more of these periods is an important element. Most people feel their mood and emotional states come and go much like the weather. The reality is our mood and mind is very much under our control and through the use of various techniques you can become much more focused, less stressed and on target for the majority of the time.
May 13 – May 19 (3/7 days measured)
This week I did a fat stripping week to bring me down to an equal body fat low since I started measuring with this system 2 years ago. The week was a challenge as ever but not really that hungry but more weak and tired as I stepped up the walking this time, averaging 22 km a day compared to 19.5 last month. Calorie intake was a little higher averaging out at 2100 for the 5 day period. All in all very successful to be at my lowest on record body fat yet also being the heaviest I have been. These next two months will not take me to new extremes weight wise and body fat wise. I am still aiming to compete come August.
Diet – Protein – 197g, Carbs – 244g, fat – 28g, calories – 2016, P:39 % C :48% F: 12%
Exercise – 6 Weights sessions, 1 fitness, 2 off days
Weight – Not taken Body fat – 35mm* Activity Measure – 22.1 km / Day**
Supplements – Vitamin D , Multivitamin, creatine, BCAA’s ***
*This is my own 10 point self measurement system, it does not correlate to body fat scores. At a guess 40mm – 8%, 50mm – 9.5%, 60mm – 11%, 70mm – 12.5%. I do not take it everyday if looking to gain muscle or maintain as it puts me off wanting to eat more. If on fat loss phase I take it daily. Like any body fat measurement system, as you get to low body fat levels the number become less accurate or reliable.
**Measured using Fit Bit Flex wrist band. Add me as a friend – Ben on fit-bit.com
*** Supplement not taken consistently
Battersea – For Personal Training Battersea please contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or Personal Training Battersea Park