I was wasting time on you tube with a collection of the usual cat videos, training videos, lectures and comedy shows. I stumbled onto some classic comedy Sci-Fi – Red Dwarf. In one episode the hologram Rimmer changes body with the last remaining human – Lister. It is the first time he has had a physical body in years, guess what he does –
Many clients hire me (or other trainers) in a hope that somehow we will just become them and the results will happen effortlessly and automatically. While in some future universe you may be able to swap bodies for a short time period here in the real world there is no way around getting the job done YOURSELF. Yep, doing the hard yards…moderating your eating and smashing out consistent exercise sessions.
But for the fun of it, here is what I would do if I woke up in one of my clients bodies……I will assume I wake up in a guys body as waking up as a woman may take me a little longer to adapt…. 🙂
First things first, I would have to get a feel of what is going on here. I would bet just moving around would be an effort, most people are too heavy, too weak and full of stiffness and pain all over the body. Maybe not so much for doing the movements of daily life but for the exercise things I have planned it soon exposes postural issues.
1) Planning – First thing up, I would plan out my food and exercise for the next 3-6 months. Training wise, I would commit immediately to about 10-12 sessions a week. One fitness type session a day and one rehab/breathing type session with a day off a week. Food wise, I would set out the general schema for the next few months and the actual meals for the week ahead. This would start with me eliminating obvious food sensitivities (dairy/gluten).
2) Get what I need to go forwards – No pissing around id dive straight on Amazon and buy all I need to get things rolling. This includes fitness stuff  such as trainers, foam roller, tennis ball, golf ball, stopwatch, body fat calipers and a body thermometer. It also includes food containers, food weighing scale, juicer etc. I would then ask google to find the nearest gym, nearest park, nearest athletics track. Finally I would buy anything else needed to push me forwards, e.g.  padlock for the gym lockers, fitness bag, chemical free soap etc..whatever is needed…I would get it bought ASAP.
After these 60-90 minutes I have planned out months of training and I have removed every single small block stopping me getting started and progressing. I would then head to the shops to get the food in that I need for the next 3-6 days ahead.
This should be how you start a new high motivation period. Through planning ahead and thus making it easier to follow the plan than not as you go forwards.
3) Testing – Still first morning I would take a Metabolic Typing Test, Hair analysis, fitness profile test and do a quick KCA Analysis. This data would be incorporated into the fitness plan though I would have already accounted for most of this as the average person has a characteristic pattern their body falls into fitness wise.
We are now only 4 hours in to my new body and I have planned all I need to get results food and exercise wise, I have removed all little blocks by buying what I need, I have analysed my nutrition and fitness levels plus I have been to buy the foods I need to eat going forwards. What a productive morning.
4) Daily Routine – Every day I would be working out in the morning (5am if needs be before work), developing my fitness with a fairly gentle exercise routine (one appropriate for the body I was in). With the food changed, I would expect some negative reactions (detox) the first few days but I would ensure food intake was relatively high to minimise the negative effects. In the evening I would be sitting on a foam roller, tennis ball and using specific stretches to help restore postural integrity. I would also be really focusing on developing my breathing patterns, especially switching from mouth breathing over to nasal breathing. Over the weeks there would be dramatic improvements in posture, fitness, breathing and strength abilities.
Other changes would include – I would stop using deodorant, I would change to a chemical free soap, non fluoride tooth paste, I would use daily baking soda application to the gums to kill bacteria. Anything I could think of to reduce the toxic burden to an overloaded system.
Adjustment Period – I would first learn to adjust to the body’s hunger signals which would no doubt be different from mine. After time I would soon establish some thresholds for losing body fat, maximising metabolism through using the food weighing scales to calculate food intake and relating it against cravings, sex drive, body temperature, energy and body fat (via calpiers)
I am not sure on the rules of this game, whether it is like the Red Dwarf scene above where people know I have changed or more like the equally good sci-fi programme – Quantum Leap, where Sam teleports into someone else’s body every week and has to perform a function of improving their life before he can teleport out. As this video shows, he often starts the scene in a pickle –
 Shock waves – If the situation is more like quantum leap and people do not know I have changed person then they will be in for a heck of a shock. They will wonder why all of a sudden their friend is training twice a day, why he doesn’t drink any more. Why he cares about getting in shape. My family would wonder how I have found all this energy (after initial adjustment period), why I am happier and more relaxed. The new behaviours I had would become contagious, others would start to follow (people always follow if you genuinely are getting results and enjoying being fit…..and not nagging them or implying you are somehow better because of what you do). As quickly and dramatically as I changed the people around me would as quickly and dramatically accept the new me……..most people get over any changes within days to a couple of weeks if you are 100% genuine in your change.  Most people are not genuine which is why so much “social pressure” seems to drag you down. For example, the first couple of weeks after you give up smoking people may ask if you want a cigarette but if you have been 100% clear in your NO response and genuine in your answer they will soon stop asking. ME personally, none of my friends ask if I want a drink if I go into a pub…..people I don’t know will offer me one, some will try and “pressure” me into “just one drink”. But my views of drinking are fairly unshakeable so soon they give up.
Well that was fun, What would you do if you woke up in someone else’s body tomorrow with the task of sorting out their health and fitness?????????????
What if this person is YOU, and your body is YOURS!
August 12th – August 26th (13 days collected data)
Training hard twice a day with two days on then a day off. Diet on it and at near maximal intake levels below body fat gaining threshold except for a couple of lower calorie days I like to throw in here or there.
Diet – Protein – 218g, Carbs – 340g, fat – 70g, calories – 2865 calories,  % P:  30% C : 48%  F: 22%
Exercise – Weights x 16 sessions, 4 off days, 1 track, 1 jog, 1 touch rugby
Weight – 71.3kg average          Body fat – 36.9mm* average
Supplements – Protein shake x 1/2 a day
*This is my own 10 point self measurement system, it does not correlate to body fat scores. At a guess 40mm – 8%, 50mm – 9.5%, 60mm – 11%, 70mm – 12.5%. I do not take it everyday if looking to gain muscle or maintain as it puts me off wanting to eat more. If on fat loss phase I take it daily. Like any body fat measurement system, as you get to low body fat levels the number become less accurate or reliable.
Clapham – For Personal Training Clapham please  contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or Clapham Common Personal Training