Aerobic Training can come in many forms from jogging to cycling to swimming. Whatever mode you use the underlying principles of how to set a programme still remain. There are 3 main methods of training session –

1) Steady Pace

This is what the majority of people do on the machines in the gym or when they do some aerobic exercise on their own. The steady pace training method is when you pick an intensity and keep to it for the duration of the exercise. For example you cycle for 10 minuets at level 7, or walk round the block at a steady pace etc. You are going at the same effort level for the duration of the exercise – A steady pace.

2) Interval training – Faster and slower

Interval training refers to performing higher intensity exercise for a set period of time followed by a period of lower intensity effort and repeating this pattern. An example would be to do level 8 for one minute, then recover to level 5 for one minute before returning to level 8 and repeating this process.

3) Interval training – Fast and stop

In this powerful training method you are performing at high intensity effort (>15 out 20 on the RPE scale) for a short period of time before stopping to recover and repeating the process. An example would be to run 1km, rest 2 minutes then run another 1 km. Alternatively it could be run 100m, rest 30 seconds then repeat.

A Weekly Training Plan

There are many ways to structure a training plan, here is an example running plan –


Mon – Steady Pace – Easy 15 minutes

Tues – Intervals – Faster and slower – 60 secs faster/30 seconds slower x 10

Weds – Off

Thurs – Intervals – Fast and stop, 200m and 45 seconds rest x 12

Friday – Off

Sat – Steady Pace – 60 minutes

Sun – Off


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