Too often I have seen clients who have been going well get stuck and go way off the rails the moment they hit a low motivation period. This is one of the big issues with getting in shape is that for a large part of your plan you will have to do it when you don’t want to. This is the same as any other area of your life, it is unlikely you always want to go to work nor take the kids to school. But fear and necessity create a bigger motivator to do the tasks despite how you feel about it. However, for health and fitness most people do not have that underlying driver to do something they have no desire to do and/or no time.
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One of the worst things you can do in a period of low motivation is to try an follow your high motivation plan. The mere thought of your usual workout or healthy meal is enough to demotivate your further. In these circumstance, instead of looking at what you should be doing you can begin to break this low motivation phase by asking –
“What am I prepared to ?”
This one question directs the mind to find a solution. The way motivation works is that action creates action. The moment you take that first step on a walk or run you will generate more motivation to do more. The moment you limit a little of your portion, or choose at least one healthy option the greater the desire becomes to do more. For some they snap straight out of the low motivation period, for others they need to continue to ask this question until the period passes.
Low motivation is not an issue, it is just what happens to the body during this phase. If you are looking to lose fat then breaking even during a low motivation is more than good enough if your high motivation creates further progress. The easiest way to do this is to ask yourself during the low motivation phase “What am I prepared to do?” and then follow through on this however small or insignificant it may seem. It will quickly turn things around.
Oval & Kennington – For Personal Training in Oval & Kennington please contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or parks for Oval & Kennginton Personal Training