Prior to my recent bodybuilding shows I tweeted a photo (follow me @BenWilsonUK) out to Katie Hopkins as we had been working together for 3 months to ensure she gained fat for her new TV SHow –  Katie Hopkins – To Fat and Back. My tweet is below –



The reaction that came back from her subscribers was interesting. A selection is found below –



Though many people were also positive –


The most interesting element for me is the response in being underweight compared to overweight. At 4% fat, assuming 10% is an ideal number for a man then  I am only 6% fat below this level. What would the reaction be if I had posted a photo at 16% body fat?

The problem is that society is now much larger than it ever has been. The average body fat for men and women I would guess is around 25% for men and 35% for women. If you are what was an ideal/average body fat for the 1970’s/ 1980’s in this day and age people are worrying you are anorexic.

What this means for you in regards to results is that you expect support from the average person or general society as a whole if your ideal goal body fat is below the present day ‘average’. They will not understand your goal because to them you are already in shape. All you will hear from them is “you don’t need to lose fat” … ” you have no body fat”…. ” you are so thin already”. I discussed this previously in the video “How good (or bad) is my body? A return to common sense” and it underpins the basis of the ” 7 Levels of Body Shape”.

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