Many hours have been lost on the internet debating what form of exercise is the most effective for fat loss. The research is fairly clear in regards to what works.

It has shown that a focus on physical activity is the key ingredient for long term weight change. The people who made the most progress with weight changed their activity levels. The type of activity was not so important, be it walking, joining the gym, cycling, running or a mixture of the above. The only common thread that tied the activities together was that the person enjoyed doing them….. that is it!! They also found long term successful people did activity for the sake of feeling better and because they liked it over specifically burning x calories or to lose a weight.

So when I am asked, What exercise should I do to lose weight?? ……..My answer is……. What do you want do???

While no doubt you can find some research that says one form of exercise is slightly better than another, the reality is the one you are prepared to do for the long haul is the one you should do. This can only happen if you enjoy it. For some they may find what they enjoy changes every couple of months, that is fine…. follow your desires. The best form of exercise for weight loss is the one you enjoy. So follow your heart and then watch the results happen.

Successful weight loss studies showed also how exercise alone if not enough. You need also to have a simple approach to eating alongside a support group and a mind-behaviour change technique of some sort. I will discuss these more another time.


Need Support Getting In Shape? 

Online  – Impossible Weight Loss Transformations >>>

London – For personal training in London Zones 1 – 2 read more here>>>>


Battersea – For Personal Training Battersea please contact me. I am available for sessions in homes, private gyms or Personal Training Battersea Park

Battersea park was created in 1858. Battersea Park is considered one of London’s most interesting Parks housing Battersea ZooBattersea Evolution Exhibition Centre and of course Battersea Park Dogs & Cats Home.

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