Walking is such a powerful method of exercise. It doesn’t get much press because it is unspectacular and will not aid fitness or sports performance. However, when it comes to body composition changes it can be a very powerful method. It was my primary strategy to get down to 4% body fat.

One benefit to walking is accessibility, anyone can do it wherever they are. Walking also can provide a huge calorie stimulus on the body because of the sheer amount of it you can do. While harder fitness techniques will induce fatigue limiting it to 1-2 hours maximum you can literally walk all day if you have developed the capacity. You can also use walking for fitness development if you have access to a hill, or an inclined treadmill. Trekking is also a great way to put your walking and fitness efforts into an inspiring past time. There are so many options both here within the UK or abroad.

Increasing your walking can come from subtle techniques, such as getting off the bus a stop early or formally walking each day. You may choose to go on longer walks each day or more trekking style of walking on the weekends. If short of motivation to walk, then outside of getting a dog, form a walking group with your friends or book onto a walking holiday.

Most people also find an increased level of motivation to walk when they can see how much they have walked using a wrist pedometer. My favourite brand is Fit Bit


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