Hiren and Trevor join my personal training team
I have been developing my systems of nutrition, exercise, injury rehabilitation and motivation for almost 10 years now. I am confident that these systems can help client after client produce amazing results. You would have seen just a selection of the results they have achieved on the testimonials page. It is one of the longest lists of success stories of any trainer in London.
I am pleased to introduce you to Hiren and Trevor who are now fully versed in these techniques and are ready to help you achieve your goals. Our personal training sessions differ greatly from most other trainers as they combine nutrition coaching, behaviour change strategies, posture and injury prevention, massage as well as grueling work outs. Each client will undergo a unique combination of these elements based on their current status and goals. Read more about each below and contact me to arrange a sample session with either of them.
Hiren Patel
Hiren started out as a kick boxer specialist, personally he has been Thai boxing for over 8 years. He loves to take clients through pad work where you can punch and kick away all your frustrations in life. It is a great way to fitter and also learn self defense skills.
An eternal student Hiren has continued to develop his knowledge to encompass injury rehabilitation, nutrition and motivational strategies. His training sessions with are always fun, highly challenging and most importantly tailored for you. The systems he uses are very effective at both weight loss and getting fit.
Trevor Wedderburn
Trevor is known as the "Trainer's Trainer" . This is because he is always taking other trainers through workouts. He has a great mix of being able to delivering killer tough sessions but also work at the other end of the spectrum with injuries and older exercisers. He is very talented at getting people to greatly increase his strength. I have lost count of how many of his women clients can do a full body weight chin.
Trevor has over 15 years of experience within the industry and has also studied holistic massage and shiatsu. This means he is ideally suited for injury rehabilitation. Always studying Trevor is well versed with nutrition and motivational techniques. This means he is well placed to help you lose weight and get fit.