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Overhead Squat test.

The overhead squat test is a simple to do yet an effective and insightful fitness test. It examines the flexibility within your ankle, hip, spine and shoulder joints. It also looks at the strength of the legs and knees. The test is important as a failure to be able to do an overhead squat means you may be limited in life when picking things off the floor. For anyone into sports an inability to squat shows both a potential injury possibility as well as limiting your movement mechanics.

Take the test

Simply grab a towel or bar and hold it overhead with your feet shoulder width apart. Then try to squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

Personal Trainer Clapham   Personal Trainer Clapham

Personal Trainer Clapham   Personal Trainer Clapham


If you achieved a perfect angle as in photo 3 then it shows you have adequate flexibility within the squat motion and combination of the ankle, hip, spinal extension and shoulder joints.

If you achieved anything less than perfect then you should look to resolve the tightness by stretching the chest, spinal extension, glutes (most likely piriformis) and calf muscles (The big toe muscles). See photos below.

The stiffness may also be linked to a misaligned spine which can come from the upper spine being locked. Therefore trying to restore the rotational ability of the upper spine may loosen the lower lumbar area.

Personal Trainer Clapham Personal Trainer Clapham Personal Trainer Clapham

Personal Trainer Clapham

The overhead squat is 1 of 25 measures within the Fitness Profile Test. This is offered as part of working with me On line or face to face. For more information please contact me.

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