scientific basis of metabolic typing
typing is based on the premise thatthere are ten systems within
the body that control and govern the millions of chemical reactions
that take place each day within your body.
optimize health within your body (and therefore control fat levels)
you must bring these ten systems into balance, as this allows the
cells to function optimally.
do this you must eat certain foods and consume certain nutrients.
The question is, which foods and nutrients should you consume? Metabolic
typing provides the answers to this by calculating exactly which
foods you should eat, how much of them to consume and which foods
you should definitely avoid.
should I eat?
is the role of the main two body systems that provide the exact
answer to this question. In order to know what you need to eat you
must be classified along your Autonomic nervous system and oxidation
not be put off by the science here, in simple terms the autonomic
nervous system is what controls how all your organs behave that
you do not need to think about, e.g. you do not think "let
my heart beat 70 times this minute", it just happens. The oxidation
system refers to how the body oxidizes food to produce energy within
the cells.
is possible to classify people along both systems by looking at
traits associated with each one. For example, someone who has strong
hunger is showing one sign of a fast oxidation rate, those who do
not want to eat are showing a slow oxidation trait. When you analyze
150 of these traits it is possible to build a picture of your body’s
behaviours and classify your body.
on what your classification is, of which
metabolic type you are, you need to eat the foods that research
has shown to balance these two systems, for example if your oxidation
system was too fast you would eat the specific foods that would
slow your system down. Or if the fight or flight end of your nervous
system was too strong we would support the other branch by eating
the appropriate foods.
the science of metabolic typing aside the main thing you need to
be aware of is that there is no one diet that will balance everyone’s
body chemistry. Therefore in order to be healthy you must know exactly
where you are at the moment and then which foods are needed to balance
your body.
much to eat?
metabolic typing to be successful and the body to be in optimal
health the cells must be able to effectively utilize energy. This
occurs when they are given everything they need in the right amounts.
This depends very much on the type of food you eat (as determined
above) but also the relative ratios of protein, carbohydrates and
fat consumed.
food groups are broken down into reaction intermediates within the
body. It is essential these intermediates (called acetyl Co-A and
Oxoacetate) are in fairly even proportion for effective energy production
to occur. Each person has a different ability to produce these meaning
some people need more of the foods that produce one while other
people the opposite. This allows the two reaction intermediates
to be in the cells in the right proportions for effective energy
the right amounts are consumed the body gives off positive body
language signals .e.g. it feels energized, no cravings, not hungry
etc. When the wrong proportions are eaten negative reactions occur
such as sugar cravings or hunger soon after eating, energy dips
etc. Coaching you to act upon the signals is a key facet to any
metabolic typing program. This is called your ideal
fuel mix.
not to eat?
typing looks closely at the issues of what foods to avoid. Food
intolerances are a negative reaction from the body to a particular
food . This food often engages the immune system and therefore drains
the body of its resources which could have been put to better use
food can be intolerant to your body but it is usually the most commonly
eaten foods that develop into tolerances .e.g. wheat, dairy, caffeine.
Any health attempt will be totally undermined if eating foods you
are intolerant to.
lose weight it is essential you allow your endocrine glands to be
at their optimal health. It is seen that everyone has one gland
that is more active in comparison to the others. These glands (adrenal,
thyroid, pituitary and ovaries) will influence the pattern in which
you store your body fat. It is believed over reliance on the specific
foods that excite your dominant gland can play a major role in fat
storage. To lose fat we therefore restrict these specific foods
within the recommendations made from the autonomic and oxidation
type influences are dependent on the blood type interactions with
specific proteins called Lectins. In a certain few individuals this
can cause aggregation of the blood and negative health complaints.
The blood type recommendations therefore refer to which foods to
avoid with in the nutrition plan.
multitude of issues that affect the ten systems are vital and need
to be covered to ensure the body is helped as much as it can to
be healthy and thus achieve your goals.
is essential to use metabolic typing if you are
serious about getting results. Consider discovering your metabolic
type either On
line or through my Personal training.