3 Most Important Character Traits For A Body Transformation
Here are three important personality traits if you are going to get results in changing your body. Like any aspects of our personality they can be developed if missing at the moment.
Acuity (results/sensory)
This refers to the ability to accurately evaluate progress and then make adjustments to your plan and evaluate these changes once more. The ability of most people to truly see the changes and make accurate conclusions is absolutely shocking. I spend much of my time simply reaffirming the results that are obvious to the outside world but not to the person involved. It is so vital you can see results (good or bad) for if not you cannot adjust the plan in either direction, or put another way, you are just guessing and hoping.
Likewise, acuity also refers to the ability to tune into how your body is feeling, which exercises make you feel best/worst and attuning to your own psychology and motivations. Be this acuity or awareness the results that come with this trait are powerful. When lacking results are a struggle.
We live in a I want it now culture. Yet the reality for most people is even if they are going all guns blazing for the perfect body most people are going to have to keep at it for at least 6 to 12 months to get there. I have said before most people can make massive changes within 3 months and this is true. But even then, if you have no patience you will demand results in 2 months, or 1 month and it will not happen even if you are doing everything right.
Getting into amazing shape is not that spectacular, sorry to break the illusion. It doesn't take some crazy diet, it is not necessary to do stupidly hard or long fitness sessions. No, it is about doing the small things over and over, day after day, week after week and before you know it...you have created spectacular results. But without patience, you will never get there. In your frustration for quicker results you will get discouraged and quit.
Continuing the reality check, getting into fantastic shape is not always an easy task, some days it is bloody hard. But what worthwhile achievement in life is always easy??? What great and worthwhile achievements are ever without challenges? Do not kid yourself that getting in shape should be this way. Look at the films we watch, the heroes journey never ruins smooth. It is for this reason that determination is such a vital trait. If you give up at the first sign of hardship nothing great will every be accomplished. Sometimes you will work your ass off and not get results. Those with determination decide to get back up form the disappointment and go back at it even harder this time round. The average person quit the moment it got slightly tough.
For all things motivation and the mind check out my book - Change Your Thinking, Change Your Shape.
