MRT food sensitivity test.
Food sensitivities are a significant blocking factor for getting results. For optimal health there are two sides of the coin, one is eating the right foods as determined by your metabolic type and secondly avoiding foods that are sensitive towards your body.
The terms food sensitivity and intolerance are used interchangeably. A true sensitivity is one that initiates the immune system in response to eating a food. Non immune related food sensitivities also exist and these are called adverse food reactions.
Type 1 Sensitivities –
These are true food allergies which can produce reactions almost immediately, e.g. you eat a nut and your throat swells up very quickly. These seem to be genetically based and occur in response to just a few foods. The symptoms will appear within minutes to a few hours of eating and can range from mild to life threatening in their severity. The reaction can be caused by simply one molecule of the sensitive food in strongly reactive people. This is why nuts have now been banned on many airlines.
Type 2 Sensitivities –
These reactions involve the blood cells but are not related to food consumption. These types of reactions are concern for blood transfusions etc.
Type 3 Sensitivities –
These occur anything up to 2 – 8 hours post eating. The response involves IgG and IgM immune complexes. The antibody complex deposits within vessel walls where it releases mediators which can then cause further tissue degradation. This can include subtle reactions like rashes, fat gain, sneezing or can influence more serious health issues such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Type 4 Sensitivities –
These are secondary immune reactions to food. The reaction can take place from 3 hours post eating and up to 3 days. This means you can eat something on a Monday and start sneezing on Thursday night. The symptoms are similar to the subtle features of Type 3 reactions but are difficult to link to specific foods due to the delayed effect of the symptoms.
These reactions are more subtle and are affected by the quantity of the food ingested. The reactions to certain foods may develop over time and can often disappear after a period of eliminating that food from the diet.
Adverse food reactions –
These are non immune system responses to food. This involves a mechanical problem in breaking down foods, e.g. you do not have any enzymes to break down milk products. There are different types of adverse food reactions but they all impact negatively upon your digestive system.
Type 1 sensitivities are tested using a RAST test amongst other methods. Most people know what foods they are sensitive towards due to the immediate and often significant effect they have upon you.
Type three sensitivities are what most food sensitivities test for. There can some difficulty in this style of testing because different foods may involve different antibodies from the immune system. A test may miss one food if it is not testing for that specific antibody. These may include IgG and IgM immune response testing such as an ELISA test.
Type four sensitivities are delayed reactions and they can be tested using Mediator release testing (MRT). This technology looks at the response of the mediator released by the immune system. The body has many hundreds of mediators, including serotonin
Adverse food reactions cannot really be tested for and thus the best way to identify them is through elimination and observation of post eating symptoms.
MRT food sensitivity test.
The MRT test is used to identify type 4 and some Type 3 food sensitivity reactions. The test is powerful because it is very difficult to identify type 4 reactions due to the fact symptoms appear up to three days later and are related to the dosage consumed.
The test takes a blood sample and it is analysed within the labs. This shows if your blood reacts to any of the 120 most common foods. It also shows the severity of the reaction. This can occur in response to any food including vegetables, meats, fruits etc. Each food is ranked red, yellow or green and in relation to each other.

The MRT is currently available in the USA and soon to become available in Europe. When you have this information at hand you are able to refine the food list within your metabolic typing diet plan and thus know exactly what to eat and exactly what to avoid.