When to commit to success
Whether I am personal training in Clapham or being a nutritionist across London I am generally working with someone who has taken a commitment towards success, e.g. they have called, emailed or paid me to meet them. They have taken a big step in the right direction.
At some point in your life you will need to commit towards and succeed in achieving your health and fitness goals. Either you will achieve them at some point in your life or you will go through life having never achieved them. In general, the longer you wait to achieve your goals the harder it becomes. Once you have succeeded, maintaining results is easier than the process of achieving them. This principle is the same in any endeavour.
To build a business you must devote a portion of your life to growing it. If you have used the right structure in your growth then it will become self sustaining after a while and require much less effort to maintain long term. Our retirement model is based on this same premise. You earn money early in your life through effort so you can create a passive income source, e.g. pension etc when you are older and thus do not have to work unless you choose to.
The body requires you to put in some effort to get it to the level that it needs to be and then maintaining it is much easier. The time it takes to get there is very much dependent on what your body has done so far and its capabilities to adapt. In general, the younger you are the easier it is to fix. The older you are the more time that has passed in which the body can go wrong. This is from your actions as well as the natural cumulative effects of ageing. In regards to achieving your goal, you need to ask yourself a few questions:
Will I ever achieve my goal?
When will I achieve it?
What is stopping me achieving it?
The answer to first question should be a 100% yes! If is anything along the lines of “maybe”, “it would be nice”, “hopefully” then you need to decide it is ok to do the behaviours to get in shape even if you are not successful. Most people only take action when they believe they will be successful. Without the belief they only ever go half heartedly and do not show the necessary commitment (actions) needed for success. People in amazing shape go after their goals with all guns blazing. They do not do things half heartedly. You must do the same with or without the belief that you will be successful.
Alternatively, if you do not have any real plans on achieving your goal, then save yourself the bother and change your goal to something that you do really intend to achieve. Often we set goals that we do not truly want. We say we would like these goals because others want it or it seems the thing to do. The key to successful motivation and thus commitment is a genuine inspirational desire to want the goal.
When you have this you will understand that at some point in your life you are going to have to commit 100% to it. This means choosing to do every action possible to make it happen. You do not have to do this today, or next week. However, you must realise that at some point it has to happen. The switch in your head has to click and you step up to the plate and realise that you are doing this and no one, no thing or no excuse will let you be knocked off track. When you make the decision that the time is now every action you take comes out of choice and inspiration. Resentment and desperation is thrown from the ranks and no longer becomes an issue.
The best time to start this is always NOW. The longer you wait the further away the start date becomes and the more time you have to disrupt your body. There will always be another problem that prevents you starting, your life is always hectic so the best time to begin is pretty much always NOW.
When you have committed, you can then work on the answers to what is stopping you achieving your goal. Please bear in mind your reason very often is not the real reason why you are not achieving your goals. This book should open your eyes to the real reasons and true commitment will allow you to be brave enough to follow through on the actions your body is asking for. Once you are committed you will of course be working on developing the subconscious programming to make all your behaviour automatic. At this point you will show commitment long term without even thinking about it. This is the recipe for long term results and joining the tiny percentage of the population who are in amazing shape.