Daily Motivational Tips to Get in Shape
Problems with group advice
Whenever I give a talk, appear in the media or am asked by more than one person for an opinion on the subject there are always problems answering in a way that could actually help everyone and not appear to be shying away from the question like a guilty politician in front of Jeremy Paxman. This is because when it comes to groups of people there are two inherent problems:
- Everyone is completely different – This applies to almost every issue of health. This means that some of you reading this should be piling up the red meats, including organ meats while others should be avoiding red meat all together. Some of you will do better stepping up the cardio while others stopping doing it all together. Some should exercise more, others less. I could draw up a nice routine / plan and irrelevant of what the plan is (pretty much) some of you will get results and others will not. The larger percentage would not even follow it either way.
- All that matters is what gets you results now and in the long term - When people are spouting all sorts of advice you must understand it doesn’t matter if it is right or wrong, it only matters if it works for you. By the same token different people will get results at different speeds. This is the luck of the draw, your focus must be on what you do and not how you compare to others. Any advice given must also be useable in the long term as only long term behaviours give long term results.
Mind-body change exercises
- Ask yourself what general advice do you follow when it comes to your health and fitness goals?
- How do you know if this advice is helping you or hindering you?
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