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Change Your Thinking Change Your Shape

Change your Thinking Change Your shapeMy book is now available in the USA and the UK in both print and kindle versions. To order a copy follow the link below:

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The book has recieved amazing feedback in the first few weeks:

"Wanted to let you know that i have finished your book and am half way through my second read. It is amazing and I want to say a massive thank you for writing it. So much of it was 'me' or should I say 'old me' - 'Contradictory goal' is me to a tee!! - it was fascinating to actually read and begin to understand my behaviours. No exaggeration but i am a different person having read it. I have recommended it to anyone that will listen to me"

"A great book, well written and punchy. I have often been accused of being a skeptic about this kind of approach, but this really does work. I thoroughly recommend it"

"Wow, I am loving Ben Wilson's book Change Your Thinking, Change Your Shape. He really spells out how to understand and overcome a variety of obstacles my nutrition clients face. There are some great strategies for how to overcome emotional eating. Really great work!"

"I devoured your book within the weekend. That says it all! Loads of good, useful stuff, for me and for others I know"

"Ben's book offers really good insights and research into why people don't follow through with personal health quests, exactly what holds them back, in great detail. The book is so full of gems you will have no trouble picking up a handful of tips and using them in your daily practice. Great work Ben!"

"Congratulations Ben!  This book is an essential contribution and approach that has been ignored for far too long.  Your book should be on every MTA's book shelf and in their knowledge base. Thanks for putting your wisdom on paper so we can share in it" 

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Book Trailer video

Watch my short video giving more details about my new book Change Your Thinking, Change Your Shape.

Book content

I wrote this book so you could understand that getting into amazing shape is not an accident or a stroke of luck but rather a direct result of a certain way of thinking. This mind set naturally produces the key behaviours that brings results.

Through looking at how people in amazing shape think and comparing them to those who do not get results you can see stark contrasts. These explain why 99% of people never get the results they want.

The book covers -

  • The physical and mental influences on being in amazing shape
  • Fake thin people - The people who look good but do nothing to achieve it.
  • Blocking beliefs - The main beliefs that society (and you) hold that prevents you from getting into shape.
  • The 10 principles of being in amazing shape - How people who are in great shape think differently to those who are not.
  • Behaviour change strategies - How to transform your mind set and start thinking just like someone in amazing shape

There is no other book which covers this content, it leaves no stone unturned. It also includes:

  • The 6 types of hunger
  • Emotional eating
  • Self sabotage
  • The influence of friends, family and your partner.
  • How to stick to your exercise and nutrition plan
  • Making excuses and how to cut them out
  • How to get results yet be free enough to not worry about food
  • A 15 week results plan to follow
  • ...and much much more!!

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