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Watch the video below for information on Transformation-X and More.



Transformation X is a unique programme that comes from the assumption that all struggles in regards to your body shape stem from your mind set and behaviour habits. While what to eat and how to exercise are important of course they are very much secondary to being able to follow any plan of action.

Transformation X is designed to be the final time you need to embark on a diet, exercise routine or fitness drive because it will finally take you through to your end goal in a way it is easily maintainable.

The Programme has three phases.

Phase 1 - This phase is simply about watching a video each day (or downloading the audio to your Ipod/Phone). The goal of the phase is to reshape your beliefs patterns. Most people have a set of beliefs that means it is impossible for you to ever go onto achieve your goals however hard you try. By the end of this section your mind is set for a breakthrough.

Phase 2 - Here it is about taking your new beliefs and re-training your whole brain and behaviour patterns. There are a series of behaviour challenges designed to disrupt previous patterns and install new behaviours. The result is you are able to do the behaviours to get in shape without even thinking or trying. Each challenge lasts from between 1-2 days up to a week.

Phase 3 - This phase looks at the actual ABC of any plan of action with a couple of key elements that separate those who get results and those who do not. It includes individuality to the person, getting enough taste in your food and fun in your whole approach. It also include a key biological mechanism you must get around which causes almost all diets to fail. Without this you will never go on to get results.

Details - The plan takes around 7-10 weeks to complete. There is no set time as it is done at your own pace. The duration represents the realistic time it takes to retrain your brain and create an amazing body transformation.

Cost & Discount - This course is still in beta testing as I see how the powerful breakthrough methodology I use in person transfers onto the net. Therefore the price is as low as it will ever be so get on board ASAP for lifetime access before I release the plan for real. It is backed by a full 60 day guarantee if not satisfied by what you see.


Any questions?

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this programme.










     Contact me -

Call or text 07915 397 703




Ben Wilson








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